Hi, im new here in this forum but i read a lot already. I am just wondering why people always bang the doors in the cr after they use it. Why some people always closed this doors loudly and noisy way..??? I dont understand that..:-(, Its just so annoying sometimes that people dont realized how disturbing it is especially in Robinsons cr, i heard it many times..!:-(
You know what , its ok when its just written here, but when your there inside the cr and you hear it many times while inside, you cant laugh if your aware around you of whats going on but if not, who cares.. Its just not nice!:-( Why they cant close it quietly, what's the big deal of banging the door and closing it gently.. ? What is hard about that?
To be happy here and enjoy all the good things, I have to laugh at the other stuff. If I didn't, I would be one of the un-happy complainers. That's not me. No offence intended. Ron
:-) No problem..i understand that. You are right. Im not that "un-happy complainers", i just say what i wanted to say here too. In the end have to go with the flow.. In the end if i dont want to have this kind of noise, i should not go there and do it home..:-) Thanks anyway for reply..
Be happy there aren't enough public cr's available coz if so it might be the end of the nation wide tradition to urinate where ever they like when the need is high.
Hey, guys Good Morning! What im saying here is that, just please dont bang the door cr esp. in rob which i always hear.. And as i say it before in the end i just have to go with the flow..Thats it po.. Have a good day!:-)