Is this restaurant still in business?? Ate there 2 times many moons back and really liked the food and service.."I shall return" if open......
Decent food, small portions, vastly overpriced for what it is, crap service, staff knowledge non-existent.
I ate there several times last time I was in Phils. Service good, food very good, yes I agree Rodger, small portions. very clean resto, Korean and Filipino dishes. Small portions with another resto I could mention, but won't.
We used to go there often, for lunch, when they first opened. The food was good and the prices were reasonable, considering what you were getting. We liked the variety on the menu and the plating was pleasing to the eye. The small portions were adequate for my lunch but I wouldn't go there for a man-size meal. However, when they started becoming popular, they basically doubled their prices, so I haven't been there since.
certainly not, my monsters are hungry after a meal there. to have them stuffed I can buy for the same money really quality food in a good restaurant where one does not need a magnifying glass to find it on the plate... .. I talk about a plate like that below (picture taken last saturday)
Ok...I will bite on that (pun intended) Ok, so where did you take this picture of a plateful of food?
Dave, I saw that on Rhoody's and Rechel's and the monster's table at Casablanca Sat. night. A great dish!