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Cell Phone Theft...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Brian Oinks, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. newbie27

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

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    In the 3rd world countries, its very common to get scam by this hungry girls or the other way around... the common... marry me and marry my family. Lol!
  2. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

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    my advise to you is not take your lady to AU to live permantly, come live here and if your lady is the one, then you will have a very happy life together,but take here home and she will be westernised very quiclly, and she could be the wife from hell.
  3. OP
    Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    This is the one thing that does worry me mate,dead set I am over the way women here behave, sorry I am no prude, but why doso many have to be like inbred whores with bad attitudes? A mate recently triedsetting me up and invited me to a quiet Birthday Party for him, well?? Therewere half a dozen women there, Tattoos on their necks, faces, feet, arms, legsand other places that were pouring out of... Well let's just say Mutton shouldNEVER dress as Lamb!!

    Even my own kids have experienced the Cougarshere, really, I just want a woman who is feminine and my equal, who can behavelike a woman, not something with a snarl and breath to match! Women here seemto be turning into what reminds me of Drag Queens. As I say I am not a prude,but I still hold values and ethics as a part of my daily life, the FilipinaGirls I have met here have all been married so that is why I have not bothered,trim one man's grass and the next man who comes along will be doing the samething to you...

    But the problem is; I am 51 years old, I wasinvolved in a motor vehicle accident 28 years ago which has left me with a permanently brokenleg, so the past 28 years I have been Disability Pension dependent, I did workpart time the first 10 years but with age, the pain has become too much to bearso I live on a cocktail of pain killers to get through the day.

    I cannot move to the Philippines with out anincome, I would not receive my Pension if I moved there, to buy my medicationwith out prescription would mean close to $1,000.00 a month, I did considerdoing an English Teacher's Course at TAFE then work there as a Teacher orTutor, but not being able to 'speak' the lingo (I can get by a little readingor typing) I doubt I would cut the mustard as a Teacher or Tutor there...

    Honestly I would jump at the chance to move thereand leave this S**thole behind me! I have lived a life as what I refer to as a"Bottom Feeder" (like a Cat Fish) so living with out all of themod-cons would suit me fine as long as I have internet access for speaking tomy friends, but the odds are against me, so I am slowly saving to go there nextyear, I will spend 6 weeks there and gauge how things go...

    I am confident all will go well as my 'HostFamily' are Province people, proud people who believe in hard work and nevertaking a hand out and have practised what they have preached thus far, I can onlypray that the past 5 years or so experience continues to repeat itself and theyare only genuinely concerned that their daughter finds love and her own familyas I have been led to believe to date... IF it does, then I have found 'the one'...
  4. OP
    Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    And how is that any different to the Western Countries? My first marriage was like that, I am Australian and I married an Australian girl from Yugoslav background, talk about the marriage from hell! After 3 years and her cheating more times than I have ever had to count to she pissed off with her Boyfriend, I raised our two kids only to be told one was not mine. Well today that kid is mine and so are the Grand-kids But I was a slave to her and her Family nothing more it was only ever about the money!

    Second marriage, again this time not so bad, only a dozen unfaithful men I know of, 3 kids later, again pisses off with the BF after 26 years together to be kicked in the guts to find 2 of the 3 are not mine... I raised a total of 6 kids, 2 are definitely mine, the rest I have been told have different Fathers. But all including my Step-son are MINE as are my Grand-kids .. EVERYTHING revolved around HER Family, her way, by the end I was praying I would be taken in my sleep so I did not have to wake up to another day of living in hell... :rolleyes:

    I can honestly state I have never cheated on either of them, never had a one night stand, I do not really know why? I just didn't do to them what they did to me. I could have... I sometimes wish I had of; but then what I think of them, would have made me no better, this time around I want to be sure, hence why so far I have waited so long before making the decision to going there to see her for myself, there will be no 'test drive before buying', anyway's; she has a Daughter who has known of me since she could walk and talk and to her I am her OFW Papa which suits me just fine, so for me all the option boxes are ticked so no need to go there and be disrespectful towards her, and I plan to try and follow the Filipino way of Courting etc... When in Rome... I actually 'feel' this time is what I should have done 30 years ago before I was trapped by the evil oyster... :wink:
  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I'm rarely optimistic about dating a filipina but it sounds like you are going about it the right way. Just understand that things CAN change very dramatically once you are married. The family, or spouse, can, and have for others, completely change their perspective after the marriage. However, it makes it much more difficult concerning the family side of it in your situation since you will be leaving the country. If you plan on embracing the filipino way fully expect to pay the family at one point or another. (which isn't a horrible thing, I would help my family if they were in need. But here the "needs" are more often than not wants or outright lies and being a long nose the "wants" will grow 10 fold once you are part of that family.) You can take all the time in the world but if you aren't here you really can't be 100 percent sure of what she is doing outside of your video calls or your short stays in the Philippines....friends and family WILL straight up lie to your face, much the same as my friends and family would and should do for me if such a situation ever came about.

    Another thing to consider is that the young bucks in your country are a mighty big temptation for a young filipina and can be quite persuasive to a filipina in a new country and new culture. I've heard the pick up lines used by the retard men here and it's a wonder that any manage to ever reproduce. Not to put anything your doing down, I wish you the best of luck.
  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Btw, if I had that much debilitating pain in my leg I would seriously consider cutting the d*mn thing off, depending if it were below the knee or not. Prosthetic legs have came a long way.
  7. OP
    Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    G'Day Mate, I know everything has a chance of failure and success, I wanted to tour through South East Asia after watching the 6pm News as a kid around '69/'70 and spying Vietnamese Girls, I do not know why but my heart has never really been in it for the common 'white girl' when I have had yellow fever for so long, but trapped into marriage young (I should have taken the Pastor's advice and ran out the back door that day!) then children, then being a single parent then more kids and marriage again, I never got to fulfill my yearning wish to go back packing through SE Asia and just pull up stumps where I felt most at home... This in a way is my grasp at doing what "I WANT to do with my life" instead of being a father, a Husband or a Grandfather, everyone here has their own lives now, I am home alone, I think it is time I took some "me time" and left the Bat Cave and headed for some sunshine... :wink:

    Unfortunately my leg is broken right at the Hip joint, they cannot plate it, cannot pin it, I rejected the original Metal plate and ended up with sinuses which were a hole near my knee that came out near my hip that had to be irrigated using Peroxide and Saline 4 to 5 times a day then packed with medical Gauze to stop the leaking as my Body tried to eject the foreign object inside of me, so I am out for getting an artificial Hip which in 99% of cases solve the problem there and then, I had to be an odd case, life story... :rolleyes:

    This is an Xray of my leg;

    ou will see where just past the Hip joint is the break, the Marrow(?) has leaked out of the bone and formed a sort of a ball on top of the bone, then the broken part from my Hip has partly grown around that Ball, so it has sort of formed another Hip/Ball joint with in the break, I should rent myself out to some of these freak shows on television to pay for my Fares to see my Girl eh? :Dhehehe

    But I am still alive, that is the main thing and still have a few more miles left in me, hence why I want to see if this is what I should have done a good 30 or more years ago instead of the path I took... Time will tell... :smile:
  8. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    That looks like a right old mess mate, I broke my fumur in several places, which needed bone graft and pin & plated. Still gives me pain after 26 years ago. I have to were a raised shoe 2inches, yours is much worse beeing near the hip as you know they can't plate it.
    Anyway best of luck with your leg.
  9. OP
    Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Negros Oriental - Near to Zamboanguita ;)
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    It is amazing how much a bone can hurt hey? I wear Johnny Reb Boots, that way I could shave the left Heel down one inch, and raise the right Heel two inches, so around a 3 inch lift where as I really need about five inches, but it is ridiculous trying to wear a Shoe/Boot with that much lift so I still walk with the use of Crutches and with a limp, I should have been in a Wheel chair or Electric Gopher a decade or more ago, but the way I look at it is if I get lazy then that will be the end of me, so I would rather crawl first rather then give up, but I find wearing the long Boots, it helps a lot to stabilise my ankle on uneven surfaces. I am not complaining as I died four times during clean up operations, I should not be here, so every day for me is a blessing so I just want to make the most of what I have... :smile:
  10. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    Don't know if you're aware, but 'The World's Greatest Treasurer' Wayne Swan...a.k.a. The Goose...has raised visa fees substantially in Monday's Mid-Year Economic & Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO ).

    Copied from Kate Lundy's website:

    New user-pays visa pricing a fairer system
    Monday, 22 October 2012

    Senator Kate Lundy - Acting Minister for Immigration and Citizenship

    Changes to Australia's visa pricing system make for a fairer 'user-pays' approach of charging for visas, the Acting Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Kate Lundy, said today.

    Announced as part of the government's release of the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook, the improved pricing model will increase visa charges in areas of significant demand.

    Senator Lundy said the government had already made some changes to visa pricing in the last year as part of the move to the fairer user-pays system.

    'The government has made a targeted increase in the cost of visas where there are high levels of demand, and therefore areas that are less likely to be significantly impacted by the added costs,' Senator Lundy said.

    'The fact is that there are plenty of people around the world who want to work in Australia because of our substantial economic strengths during these times of global economic uncertainty - it is only appropriate for visa costs to reflect that demand.'

    Changes to visa pricing announced today take effect from 1 January 2013. They include:

    Partner visas allowing for people already in Australia to enter or remain on the basis of their married or de facto relationship, to increase from $3060 to around $4000
    Partner visas for people outside Australia who want to join their partner in Australia will increase $2060 to around $2700
    Skilled Graduate visas to increase from $315 to $1260 for the highly-valued post-study work rights for people in Australia on a student visa
    The 457 temporary skilled worker visas to increase from $350 to around $455
    Working Holiday maker visas will increase from $280 to around $360.
    'Most of these increases are for visas that provide valuable opportunities for people to work in Australia, whether it's through the 457 program, working holiday visas or the sought after work rights for skilled graduates. We don't, therefore, expect demand to be adversely affected by these changes,' Senator Lundy said.

    Of course, the many thousands of fake refugees swarming our shores will continue to have their every whim catered for.