Seems like you solve one problem but create another mess somewhere else. Those changes are like half a blow job, at first somewhat interesting but then ultimate disappointment.
My first time in Duma was in the mid 90s. At that time it was apparent that there was a problem developing. This is the first time it has been addressed since then. For at least the attempt to remedy the issue I am eternally grateful. It is a step in the right direction regardless of where the "integrated terminal" is, if they actually do push through with the implementation. Other small cities in the Philippines have integrated terminals, why not Duma? Other small cities have the choice of jeepney, trikes, and taxis, why not Duma? Set up correctly it would be a drastic improvement over the current chaos, but will it ever really happen....? Only time will tell... Larry
January for helmets, I don't think so. There is an election next may,maybe January 2013! Also I have been to town from bacong twice today and the same amount of trikes were on the road as per usual. You sure you mean nov 12 2012 larry?
One road going thru DGT that was tricycle free would be a help. The rolling roadblocks that are wider than a car and armored for battle could give up one path thru town. The city blocks are pretty small so a short walk from a drop off point wouldn't hurt. Maybe a flyover from the Dumaguete/Sibulan line to just south of Robinsons? (humor) Or maybe inform the tricycle drivers that the center of the road is not the tricycle lane?
Well, I guess that Mr Ramos ( Who is, according to him, a friend of the earth, with safety in mind :D could really go Bananas here. I am surprised, that he did not think of it before, lets introduce a CONGESTION CHARGE? Now, that would be fun to read about. Tag all this together, with the Helmet law and his smoking patrols to boot, together with his new Terminal Toy to play with. I wonder he sleeps at night. AH! But then, He can always blame the Mayor of course JP
Just again today going to dinner passing Silliman had a slow pile up. As I reached the front by dodging through as I could on my motor I saw the issue as usual.... a trike off to the side waiting to pick up whoever wanted them and another trike right next to them letting people off who were slow paying and getting out. Of course 20 feet infront of the trike was a clear spot for them to have dumped their passengers but heaven forbid people have to walk for an extra 5 seconds. Ohh and then on the other side of the street POVs parking as well. I almost forgot but reminded earlier today. How about a city wide ban on ALL school parades on the national highway? I was near NORSU and the road got blocked off by LTO because ABC school was having their parade (which the school isn't even ON the highway or very close). There has to be at least 50+ schools in the Dumaguete area, what if all of them were as inconsiderate as these others and had parades on the national highway? Least once a week or more a section of the highway is shut down for an hour or longer. Add in all the city festivals which can understand better and a big annoyance.
Though less numbered than before there were still tricycles on the highway moving up & down between Sibulan and Dumaguete yesterday.
Yes, and a lot of riding side by side too. impossible to pass them and then you have to watch for the panic stop if they think there might be a passenger there.