The trikes represent too many votes I agree with everything Pat O stated. I would just like to add that I have been told there are three families supported by each trike. Say there are at least two voters in each family, and you have (2500 (trikes) x 3 (families) x 2 (two voters)15,000 votes. I do not know how many votes it takes to get elected in this town but a15,000 vote block has got to help. Is there any wonder why the problem is not solved by the politicians. The scariest thing I see is the "Trike driver Association shirts. If they are organized then things will never get resolved for the betterment of all. Mr. Ramos, the head of LTO, has bigger balls than any politician in town as far as trying to fix this problem. Many trikes are not owned by the drivers. Last year I was told by my trike driver that he paid 300 P a partial day for trike rental , so you can see that they need a lot of rides, and a lot of us paying the extra "the skin tax" to make their daily financial cash flow requirements. The owner is probably part of the three families supported in the voter block. Why the drivers can not understand that standing still saves gas money is beyond me but show their mentality about finances, and general reasoning. They certainly seem to understand that driving at 10 KG through town saves money on gas. Hopefully the highway ban, and high rate of empty trikes in town will put an economic burden on them so some quit. More than likely the politicians will give them relief for votes. The trike drivers are driving for one purpose, their own economic survival which is demonstrated by their driving techniques. Remember most probably do not understand working together as a team.
I'm sorry but the police will not be getting off their asses to enforce this law anytime soon. And in 6 years here I have never once seen an officer pull over one single person, they rely completely on check points, which will do absolutely sh*t for the trike problem. As someone mentioned earlier, the political power of the owners of the trikes will not go unheard.
Just a couple hours ago driving home from Robinsons I was crossing the bridge heading into downtown. A trike did a U turn on the bridge... then stops in the middle of the bridge to let a passenger off! If you happened to be driving by and see it and saw a foreigner on a motorcycle yell at the guy "YOU RETARDED A$$HOLE".... that was me
I have a car and a motorcycle. Tonight I was having a few beers on the blvd. with a few friends. Now, I didn't want to drive at night a little drunk or call my wife to wake up and come get me. So without a trike I would have to walk to Sibulan. For P60 A good trike driver with a headlight and the red one on the back drove me home safe. There is a place for them.
Does it take an armored vehicle the size of a car to move one passenger tho? Too much of a good thing is not such a good thing. About 1/3 of the existing number of tricycles would be a good thing for the city and the environment.
I have been saying for several years that the politician who tries to change the current system will be committing political suicide. However, under the current new laws, if enforced, they will not be enforced by the police, the TMO, or a local politician (in fact, cannot legally be enforced by them at all). They will be enforced intead by the LTO, which EVERYONE hates already! Only time will tell... Larry
Just went down the south road from Robinsons a few Kilometers and back. I think maybe the tricycle drivers have misinterpreted the new law. If I had to guess, I would say someone read it out loud at a trike drivers meeting and the translation from English to Bisaya got worded as "no tricycles are allowed to leave the national road". That would explain a lot.
Right, but even if enforced you know it will only last a couple months at best.....then back to the status quo.
Yes, it must be a great misunderstanding, like the Smoking Ban, and the Plastic Bags, and the Helmet Law, I can see people sitting in front of Sans Rival near the Boulevard, smoking Cigarettes in peace and with an ashtray provided, I am getting plastic bags again in 4 out of 5 stores, and the Helmet Law is still on the horizon but I have not heard anything anymore about it for a while... maybe we should all just admit that it was all a big misunderstanding...
What sucks is that laws like the smoking ban are still on the books and tickets can still be given and likely will be used as a corruption tool for the police. I heard the plastic bags came back because the paper bag distributors couldn't keep up with the demand......but probably more likely that the mayor and the goonies realized they were pissing off the entire voting population and their reelection bids ware being pissed down the toilet.