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Mass shooting in the USA - again ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by kiwiobob, Dec 15, 2012.

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  1. PrensBana

    PrensBana DI Member

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    A thorough study of statistics, without an agenda to find evidence to support a predisposed preferred outcome, will ultimately prove the fallacical nature of your argument Greg.

    The USA has the highest guns per capita of any nation.

    You claim US citizens are safer because they can have guns..................

    There is no evidence of dimished crime rates because of armed citizens.



    In fact, statistics will show that more citizens get shot BECAUSE THEY HAD A GUN.

    There is a higher % of dead and wounded among gun owners than those robbed who had no gun, i wonder why?

    The truth is, USA has the highest per capita of guns and the highest per capita of gun victims, thats your facts.

    Garbonzo is so right
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I doubt the mother (from where the kid got the guns) properly locked her firearms. Owning a firearm means taking on a great deal of responsibility. These weapons he used were not military assault rifles like some people here are claiming. I believe it was two pistols, likely a 9mm and a 45 cal, and a 22 cal rifle (used for hunting small game). There were some more claimed to be found but they weren't used and no real information on them was given out so it doesn't really even matter.

    Her properly locking/storing her guns likely wouldn't have saved her life but could have saved the lives of others. Not placing the blame on her but I believe she held some responsibility for it. Not to mention raising a complete sh*t for brains loser.

    As for why this happens so much in the US. I think there are many factors. One of the biggest, I believe, is the media. These losers (which is exactly what most of these shooters are) are so screwed up in the head from bad parenting and bullying at school that they become extremely screwed up young adults. They want attention that their parents likely didn't give them, they see the media do nothing but talk about the shooters 24/7 for weeks on end. This is the attention they have looked for their entire life and also gives them the ability to release much of the rage they have had built up over the years. It's suicide with some spezaz.

    I don't think gun control would do much for stopping this crap. The crap I made as a teenager (pipe bombs, gas grenades, mixtures of toxic chemicals) could just as easily kill dozens in a school and would be much cheaper and easier to obtain than firearms. Look at the Oklahoma City bombing. Some d*mn fertilizer can completely knock down a building.

    Basically they are just effin crazy people (not the d*mn devil like fox news is spewing). You can't make logic out of crazy. People want someone to blame but you really can't do it with crazy people.

    On a side note: If this ain't proof there is not a God (at least one that gives a crap) then I don't know what is.
  3. OP

    kiwiobob DI Member

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    Some very good points there.
  4. Gregktm

    Gregktm DI Junior Member

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    If they want to take our guns from us in a lot of countries USA Australia ect it smells like one world power / government, world finance crash ,world carbon control like we need any of this
  5. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    I never gave my son military toys, never a toy gun and never arms in my house.
    I am almost 70 he is 40 had never a problem what so ever and he has a great house wife and children.
    Guns are not neccesary to protect your live or your child .
    Raise them up with love care and spent time together ,dont create a country of loosers but I am sure that is to late for the US.
    But not only for the US

    Greetings J.Diver
  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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  7. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    Yes there is , but is that your excuse for having guns and killing 20 children in the age of 6 years yes read it again 6. 6 .6 .6. 6 . and 7 adults.
    So in your opinion everybody must have a weapon and who shoot first is the winner like stupid movie from the wild west.
    Sorry I can live without it.
    The mother of this man was a weaponcollector crazy about arm and did teach him to use it.
    Ok he did succeed and he did kil his teacher first.... stupid stupid stupid. that is my opinion and that will stay that way.
    Whatever is in your mind to promote guns .

    Greetings J.Diver
  8. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    John, your must be drinking too much coffee this morning. Who said everybody must have a weapon? Personally, I am qualified with many weapons and still have 20/40 vision in my shooting eye so I have one to protect my family and hope I never have to use it. Here, some of us are targets, like it or not. Crazies are in every country and agree the U.S. have far too many. Peace.
  9. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    Well looking at the numbers, you basically say that there are just more idiots in the US than in other parts of the world.

    Seems Europe got rid of many crazy guys who can’t handle the responsibilities.

    So you say invading a country, killing the native population and putting them in concentration-camps (well you guys gave it a different name), importing boatloads of slaves without rights is a basis for a functioning free country… wow. I would call that extremely sick.

    a little sick Austrian guy tried similar, as did many in thousands of years of history.

    Wonder what those guys thought about the land of the free:


    But of course, the winner writes the books and can ignore that stuff…

    uhu… so all your glorious mess-ups whenever you got over the ocean the last 50 years makes you the leader. Outstanding job, brainwash 18 year old kids and send them to die for some gallons of oil. Well, leading its kids into war and death is a kind of leading, certainly not one a thinking, non-brainwashed person would follow, though

    However, I found on my 2 visits and my working in the stated the population extremely easy to manipulate. IMHO resulting from a total lack of education and knowledge about anything outside the US, in many cases scratching the edge of rather not that smart. And those guys have the right to own guns legally; just because some pro-slavery and native-killing guys quite some years back wrote it on a piece of paper... well, there you got your basic mixture for disaster…

    I personally believe that “proud to be German, American, Pinoy, etc” is damned unsmart anyway.

    Just because my daddy shagged my mom and she gave birth in a certain part of the world is no reason to be proud of anything. One might be lucky and can be happy about that, but proud ??? proud of what ?? that my parents had successful physical bodyliquid exchange? Wow, outstanding job, I practice only on regular basis the production process…

    I can call myself lucky to be born in west Germany. 30 km northeast and I would be in a not so nice region of east-Germany. 40 km southeast and I would be in the Czech republic.

    But I was lucky to be in west-Germany, and had the options to discover different cultures from early child’s age on, travelling to historic places, experiencing history and culture from many countries in the world. (56 up to now).

    I really feel that I am lucky, that I am not born in the US and had the options, possibilities and interest to experience that many cultures and countries. This variety of experiences did certainly broaden my horizon and manifested my opinion that “proud to be ________” (insert nation) is nowadays very outdated. It does not mean to forget ones roots…

    peace and group-hug

  10. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    Be happy with your weapons , the mother of the victim was also very happy with here guns and also very qualified .
    But no weapons in my house .
    Yes I prefer coffee in the morning and my 6 year old grandson playing with his grandpa , I can do that 40 other grandpa's dont.

    Greetings J.Diver
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