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USA Gun Laws debate - questions ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by kiwiobob, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. PrensBana

    PrensBana DI Member

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    Being able to shoot and kill anyone who pisses you off is highly valued in the U.S., or even being able to shoot and kill people, even school kids, just because you are unhappy with your life, is also highly valued in the U.S.

    These basic US rights must be extremely important as they happen far more frequently than US civilians using guns to defend their rights from people who wish to take their rights away.

    Oh, when did that last happen....?

    Oh, the 1770s and 1860s

    Yes, the US gun laws are so up to date, contemporarily correct and based on sound logic

    (thats sarcasm Sheldon)
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    ...and being unarmed and not being able to protect yourself is the most dangerous, and the most stupid too! See how well threatening someone with nothing does when it comes time to protect yourself or your loved ones.
  3. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    How old are you? sounds like my father who hates any one that isn't white.
  4. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    I dont care if Americans are shooting echother to hell, but leave your children out of it.
    They are not to blame that there parents cannot protect them in a proper way.

    Geetings J.Diver
  5. pony

    pony DI New Member

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    This has been a fun and interesting thread to read I must say. And as an infrequent but impassioned visitor to the philippines, I have to add a couple of things

    1. NONE of the proposals made by Obama or banning assault rifles will EVER stop the tragedy that occurred in one of our schools or the movie theater.
    2. Crime rates have actually decreased in states were CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) permits are made available. PS I have one. I say arm MORE of the law abiding citizens.

    3. I have an "assault" rifle WITH a 30 round clip. It's a hell of alot of fun to blast cans at the farm; AND with a clip change, I also hunt and kill deer with it. (In heavy brush a scope and bolt action are worthless; and as another poster eluded too, have a ferell hog in Texas charge you and see what you want; a single shot muzzle or semi auto with a full clip!!)

    4. I know it's a worn out statement, but "guns don't kill people; people (or better yet) NUTS kill people.

    5. And lastly, I feel just a little safer in our little resort in the PI with our freindly guard Peter packing heat:D
  6. johncarson

    johncarson DI Member Veteran Army

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    If you believe that the answer to guns is more guns, then you probably won’t want to waste your time with the following. If you’d like to see the issue framed in an intelligent, thoughtful manner, you might want to take a few minutes to read and consider this.
    Annabel Park: Replying to my pro-gun friends
  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I see a lot of the typical extreme left and extreme right opinions here. Both try to use arguments so extreme it seems almost insane to a person that is a moderate. The Right says, "I have a right to carry ANY weapon I so choose to protect my house and family and defend myself from a totalitarian government.". In all honesty, if I'm a criminal I'm more likely to shoot to kill if you run out with guns blazing. I certainly would prefer not to shoot someone if I'm just stealing something from your house as that would severely trump up any charges if I were caught. If I'm out to kill you, you would never have a chance to pull a weapon out, you wouldn't see me coming.

    As for defending against a out of control government, we'll this seems absolutely retarded coming from the right, whom generally support a very strong military budget and strong defense of the country. You, as a citizen, stand absolutely no chance against the US military. Even if every citizen was armed, the military would plow through you in no time, even if you had military style weapons. You simply can't compete. The government is not scared of an armed populace.

    The left says, "all guns are bad and it's not colonial times anymore, we have no need for guns, they should be restricted.". Simply put, gun restrictions will NOT stop criminals from obtaining them. The LARGE majority of gun owners never fire their weapons in defense or aggravation. State all the cases of violence you want, those are the minority. People who shoot kids or go into a mall and shoot randomly at people are simply crazy people. The Supreme Court HAS ruled that guns are a personal right of citizens, it does NOT only apply militias. The second amendment will NOT be overturned anytime soon. Only another amendment to the Constitution would disarm the US, which again, is very, VERY unlikely. No politician, regardless of how extreme left they are, would ever consider putting that into Congress. It would be political suicide. The only thing politicians care about is winning the next election. In reality, only around 25 percent of the population owns a firearm....legally.

    Here are some of the supreme court rulings on guns:
    Descriptions of the supreme court gun cases

    I fall in the middle of the debate. I see military style weapons as a problem. There is absolutely no need for a person to own one. Extended magazine clips are not needed. People should go through a more strenuous process in order to obtain a gun legally. The US needs better record keeping of the mentally ill. Shot guns, pistols and hunting rifles are perfectly ok with me. AK47s, M16s and the like are excessive and I think anyone who owns one, other than gun collectors or x-military/poloce, are showing some sign of mental disorder.

    Guns are part of US culture if you like it or not. It ain't changing anytime soon.
  8. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Wrye83, you presuppose that all of the military would be loyal to the government. Yes, the civillian population probably could not overcome the military by force of arms directly but the politicians would have to live in a bunker for the rest of their lives. I did not find it encouraging that the military units in New Orleans were confiscating guns in the wake of hurricane Katrina. It was just plain wrong. Some soldiers refuse to carry out the order to confiscate those peoples firearms. To enforce your governments will in a forein country by force of arms is difficult, when you have a reasonable expectation of being able to trust the guy next to you ...or the guy behind you, it would be doubly difficult in your own land, where just about anyone could put on your uniform and pass for you.
  9. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Even though I'm against firearm and magazine prohibition, I would like to see purchasers of firearms attend some type of required safety course, including a mandatory viewing of a real life accident results video. An unregistered ID card proving attendance of one of these courses should be presented before purchase is allowed.
    A person possessing a firearm have to have a realistic idea of the damage one can cause to a human body, and be well versed on the safe use and handling.
    Then go blast away! Responsible shooting is great fun.
  10. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    That lady is a hypocrite, complains about people calling anti gun peole morons, saying pro gun people do not love the first amendment, saying that our thoughts are knee jerk while hers are well thought out, I guess if you agree with her it doesn't stick out but her predjudices show quite clearly and she doesn't even realize how she is insulting people. I bet Ms. Park is not even aware of the gun laws in her state, I believe that it is illegal to use a high powered rifle to hunt deer in Maryland and when I was stationed in Maryland, deer were cleared from the airstrip runways with machine guns. As someone else pointed out, much of the opinions depend on where you live. Her piece was an opinion piece and she is welcome to her opinion no matter how insulting, but I'm not totally sure she feels the same way about my right to free speech because her opinion piece was about others exercise of free speech, was it not?

    QUOTE=johncarson;1851882493]If you believe that the answer to guns is more guns, then you probably won’t want to waste your time with the following. If you’d like to see the issue framed in an intelligent, thoughtful manner, you might want to take a few minutes to read and consider this.
    Annabel Park: Replying to my pro-gun friends[/QUOTE]