this is a post for my dear cousin...anyone here in need of a powerful motorcycle? KAWASAKI ninja 650cc 2012 model for sale for at 270,000 mileage 7k+ km... customized under bone (but you can still use the original if you want to) signal lights, park lights all working glitter paint, muffler (two brothers)
underbone has been modified... it was replaced by a customized design.. though we kept the orignal..hence, it can still be used.. Rhoody, i tried to send a PM but ut says your inbox is full..anyways, pls delete if this post is violating forum rule on 20k below personal post...i have not thought if that when i sorry
The term "underbone" refers to a style of motorcycle that came out in the 50's, also referred to as "Stepthrough" or "scooter" design. Underbones differ from the conventional motorcycle - there is no frame member or fuel tank between the seat base and the headstock (handlebars). Generally the fuel tank is under the riders seat. The appearance and frame of an underbone is quite different to that of a conventional motorcycle. The Honda Cub is the most popular underbone of all time, with production starting in 1958 and still continuing today in some countries. Most all newer models are 100-150CC, with a few exceptions. Underbone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Kawasaki Ninja 650 as pictured is not an underbone. Motorcycles have been a major part of my life for 45 years, but I am clueless as to what you are referring. Larry
surely..if i sell this, something will be given for thursday group...crossing my finger that this will get sold... thanks rhoody... u can delete though...sorry
I think I know the bike. I believe the "underbone" he is referring to is the rear signal light and plate assembly. It was taken off and a new plate bracket put under the rear seat. No rear turn signals as it sits.
Hmmm, then why make up a confusing name for it? Why not call it a "rear signal light and plate bracket assembly"? Larry