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The Thursday Club - Project KidStart.

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by Broadside, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    After a lot of deliberation, where everyones suggestions, opinions and reasons were considered, we have unanimously decided that Project KidStart will be the Thursday Clubs' next charitable venture. This will be similar, but not identical, to the effort we made for Calindagan school two years ago. The focus of our attention this time is Candau-ay school. We first came into contact with this school over a year ago when it was used as an emergency shelter during Sendong, and we have chosen this school because of its' location. Whilst the school itself is in relatively reasonable order, Candau-ay is also the site of the municipal dump, and the children who live on and around that site are probably amongst the most marginalised in local society. The children don't go to school because every day is a day of survival for the parents, and school supplies would be at the bottom of their agenda. There is much to be said by many people about not having children unless you can afford it, but that is definitely not our arguement. These children had, and have, no choice, they were born into poverty and are therefore victims of it. Many of them spend all day walking barefoot over broken glass and rusted tins, desperately searching for anything that might be worth a few pesos. Their lives are little different from the poor wretched souls who live on Smokey Mountain. If we can get those kids out of that toxic environment for 6 or 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, and into the safety of a school, then that is a result in itself. The fact that they are at a school and starting the learning process is an added bonus. As well as giving the youngest children the opportunity to start at Grade 1, it will also help parents whose children had already started school but don't return because of financial restraints, therefore it will help the children from the poorest families to remain in school up to Grade 6.

    So Project KidStart kicks off today. We have already visited the school, met the new principal and staff, and had a good look around at what urgently needs to be done. We have 3 months to make it work. Our prime concern is to get the school supplies for approximately 150 children, and secondly to use what is left over to paint the stage, replace the faucets, deal with the doors on the outside toilets, and possibly mark out the volley ball court at the rear of the school, along with encouraging some parents to join us in the Brigada Eskwala. With a bit of luck, there might be enough left over to have a fun day for the kids (barbie, games etc) on the Saturday before the school year starts, and for that we will try and get some members of the Peace Corps involved. The school has already given us a "wish list" of the supplies needed, broken down into what is most needed for each grade, and the school staff do know who the most needy parents are. We reckon that 25,000 pesos will cover all the educational supplies for the children, maybe less if we can negotiate discounts for bulk buys, and so 30,000 is the figure that we are aiming for so that we can complete the task rather than leave some things undone. We start already with 5,000 pesos in the kitty.

    Any help, from anyone, in any shape or form is most welcome. It doesn't have to be financial, it can be material, or just turn up and give us a hand on the days that we need it, offer advice, swing a paint brush etc. and if you have any knowledge of electrics, specific knowledge of the different types of paint, or plumbing that would be very useful. Nothing major, just improving the facilities that are already in place but falling into disrepair. Thanks in advance to anyone who is motivated.

  2. stevep

    stevep DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    awesome! that will be a huge blessing for those kids
  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

    Trophy Points:
    +4,615 / 1,018
    Dr. Mike has donated 5,000p to kick off our fund raising for Project KidStart. Thank you kindly Dr. Mike.
  4. OP

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    We already had 5000. The donation from Dr. Mike made it 10000, so already we are 1/3 of the way to the target.
  5. c_rymz

    c_rymz DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +3 / 0
    count me in to help.. plus a few more of my friends.. please just let me know when, where, and what time to show up to lend our hands... i am not always here in DI coz of time constraint..but would surely want to help in any way...
  6. OP

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    We're now at the 12,000 peso mark in donations and steadily rising. Thanks.
  7. prev

    prev DI New Member

    Trophy Points:
    +0 / 0
    I would love to get involved. When are you in need of help?
  8. OP

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    Thanks for your kind offer of help. Initially we are busy raising funds to buy the school supplies. But we will definitely need some physical help when we get involved in the schools Brigada Eskwala which will probably be during the last week of May. We will post further details on this thread when we can confirm a date.
  9. OP

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    ........ and another kind donation from Kiwi Bart whom I met by accident in the Mall. Many thanks Bart.
  10. OP

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +16 / 1
    We're now at the halfway point of funds raised, so greateful thanks to those who have helped. If we buy in bulk we can usually negotiate a 5% or even 10% discount, so we will start spending soon on the school supplies for the kids and see how far the money takes us. Cheers.