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PrensBana passed away unexpected and suddenly at home on Feb 26, 2013

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by PrensBana, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. The Dane

    The Dane DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.

    I hope you have friends and family around you to help you get over this.

    May he rest in peace.
  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace and may you find a way forward.
  3. OP

    PrensBana DI Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Thanks for all your condolences.

    It hurt so much because we were supposed to fly to PI on 4th March 2013 for a 7-week holiday. We've booked our ticket on April last year and everything was organized. We were counting days and was very excited to see Philippines again.

    I haven't got any relatives here in Oz. But I've had lots of support from PrensBana's family, from our church, and from my filipino friends here. Although it would be better if my only sister can be with me, but she's got a 2 y/o baby and is studying in NORSU.

    My husband was such a wonderful man. I’m not sure I can really express just how much I will miss him.

    PrensBana had a great sense of humor. He made me smile every day. In my family, we called him Mr. Bean.

    He wanted to finish his Counselling Degree, move to the Philippines and become a self-funded missionary. He was very keen in learning Filipino dialects.

    I’m gonna miss him going to church and shopping together. PrensBana was a very caring man. He often gave me back massage after my big long day in the mushroom farm. I will miss him watching cricket and Big Bang Theory together.

    Now that he’s gone, I hope I don’t miss his smelliness in bed after eating baked beans on toast. Im gonna miss him complaining the smells every time I cook dried fish.

    I feel so lost and so bereaved right now. I can’t imagine going about my daily life without my beloved husband.

    PrensBana treated me like a living doll. I’m gonna miss him buying clothes and lots of shoes for me because I’m his “EMELDA Pren”.

    Because of PrensBana, I learned how to read the map. He taught me how to take responsibility for whatever needed to be done. He always encouraged me to read the Bible every day. He was my walking encyclopedia, soul mate and my inspiration – my steadfast rock that helped me through thick and thin.

    This has all happened so quickly. It was very shocking for me when I found him in our bedroom after coming home from a 2- day residential retreat. I think I am still stunned.
  4. rechel

    rechel DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +8 / 0
    I feel sorry for your loss.
    May he rest in peace.
    I can't stop my tears Reading this tread.
    I don't meet you both, but i feel you have great times together,..

    Reading hes post sometimes makes me smile.
    He's now with our lord God
    my deep condolence. :(
  5. gie1975

    gie1975 DI New Member

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    my condolence,dont worry you will be fine,if you live in philippines youre lucky we are close in our families over there,you have somebody to talk,i had a friend here,her husband died last december i can feel how she was hurt no one is here for you to comfort your feelings you are in your owned.i can imagined what she went thru from her grief,from children of her husband tried to take over the house and etc.
    be strong just like you were in a foriegn country, like my friend did even though its to hard for her but still she moves on and gives all her attention to work
  6. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Pren, although we have never met, may I add my condolences to you and the family too.
    God Bless....JB
  7. redhorse

    redhorse DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +269 / 62
    Pren, we're so sorry for your loss. Had some enjoyable forum conversations with your asawa reminiscing about Valenzuela and other places in Bulacan, wish I'd had the opportunity to meet him in person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  8. Prenilie

    Prenilie DI Junior Member

    Trophy Points:
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    Hi all,

    It's been 4 months since my husband died. There were times of deep sadness and a sense of desolation usually triggered by events. I am finally back in Australia after a 2-month Philippine holiday. I thought I got lost when I arrived to where I live. The house doesn't look the same. The whole place is clean and the rusty roof is gone. They've painted the lounge and bedroom. Its such a big surprise, i love the looks of the bathroom. Above all, a new reverse cycled air-conditioner is installed to keep me warm during winter and cool during summer. Im so grateful to all my church friends and good neighbors who look after my house when I was away. And to everyone here in DI, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
  9. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    moving on will never be easy for you especially that he was a good husband but time will let you heal and just remember, he will always be there for you although he wont be around anymore im sure he will be watching you. stay strong, youll eventually get through this. I know its late but im sorry to hear about your loss. take care
  10. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

    Trophy Points:
    Wirral near Liverpool UK
    +1,220 / 240
    Hi Pren,
    When I hear of the kindness you experienced, I feel my faith in people restored.
    Thanks for sharing, may you find great comfort in those around you God Bless....JB