I don't judge people by their nationality. A friend is a friend regardless of where they come from. There are several Americans here that I wouldn't loan a centavo to even if their life depended on it as well.
yes its not good to be racist BUT There was a irish mechanic that though a grub screw was a root at lunch time also a kiwi that would not take his girlfriend to the fotty because she ate the grass come on guys you must know some aussie jokes
Is that English you are speaking alex? Grub screw? Fotty? Educate me: I learned root from an Aussie friend and use the word quite frequently here as the filipino have no clue what I'm talking about. Love the Aussie slang. I hate that I speak American English, filipino can usually figure out our slang.
To brian aussie, can you give more description about this policeman? And what exactly has he done to your friend? The reason im asking is i know alot of policemen, the dumaguete ones cause they hang out in my place and i have a policeman tenant.