Might want to inform him on the importance of hydrating (with water, not beer ) and using sun screen. Once you've had a heat stroke you have a higher chance of getting another. I'm sure you know that and have warned him though. Good luck to him.
A word of warning for people that don't know this, in the Philippines, like a lot of other countries, there are no "good Samaritan" laws to protect well intended people who provide medical treatment to a person in distress. Even if you are trained, even licensed in your home country. If you lay hands on a person seriously injured to do anything but assist that person to a Filipino doctor, and that person dies, you could very well be charged with homicide. Be forewarned. This is a fact.
Steve, I can't help you, but can you explain to me the situation behind this. What is the purpose of this young person being NPO if he is not going to have access to health resources? Or do you just mean he is too nauseous to take anything orally? Why is it that foreigners in the Philippines can't/won't use the hospitals and clinics? Is it a cost thing, or something else?
zigpig - situation solved.. npo because he cant keep any down including water.. i dont have enough rx zofran on hand to keep dosing him. I think was afraid of the cost thing..coming from the U.S. healthcare puts a real bad taste in your mouth. An ER visit will cost you a minimum of like $3000-$4000USD NOT Including any tests they run or medications they administior. You typically get 3 seperate bills from the hospital..one from the hospital itself, one from the treating physician, and one from the imaging center that does any tests. its ridiculous
re: med supplies Hi, I believe he meant his friend couldn't keep anything down due to nausea. I think we are wary of going to an E.R. here because we don't have health insurance, and we all know how terribly expensive, in the states at least, it is to step foot into an E.R. Once a couple of us convinced him it was very affordable here, he took his friend and all is well. I am sure he appreciates you taking time to offer your input. Please try to enjoy your much-deserved vacation and I hope you find your mother's hometown interesting and full of history.
sorry to repost, but again guys.. if you know a dr or place I can get the fluids and supplies requested please let me know. I have access to everything in the U.S. but my supply companies wont ship here! I'm positive there's a place I can get these supplies just need to find where.. Need to add it to my med kit.