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Do you need a helper?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by devildog4, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. devildog4

    devildog4 DI Member Veteran Marines

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    My Niece is looking for a helper position. She is 19 years old and just graduated from College a few weeks ago.
    She has experience in cooking, cleaning, laundry and looking after children. She wants to earn & save money for school.
    She has 9 Brothers and Sisters and has experience doing the above since she was a little girl. A decent salary, room & board is all she requires. Internet access, cellphone allowance and health insurance are all desired extras, but not required:smile:

    Please PM me and I will send you her name and phone number.

  2. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    If she just graduated from college why dont she get a job other than being a helper? If she just graduated fromcollege ithink she has a potential to work in her field or apply as a call center agent. One wouldnt ge a degree to end up being a helper not that i am belittling the maids as a matter of fact i admire them so much but in you niece's position it just doesnt make sense.
  3. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    It makes perfect sense, if you know the quality of college graduates here. No offense to the girl, but just stating the facts. A good paying job here is not the easiest to come by for most, unless the potential employee is top notch and has some ambition.
  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    In reality helpers make pretty good money here compared to many other college level jobs. No rent, no food bill, no Internet, electricity, water so on and a on. All living expenses paid with 1500-3k (sometimes more) disposable income every month. Not many jobs offer that here.

    He did also state she is saving for school, perhaps she is planning on furthering her education (or paying for her siblings school). Good for her for wanting to better her life or the lives of her family. No shame in what she is doing.
  5. steveb155

    steveb155 DI Member

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    I may be.. Right now Im paying 7K a month for my helper but she is taking care of a 2 mo baby, cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, etc.. she's pregnant and wont be able to work soon...
  6. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    call center agents get a higher wage which is about 12,000-15,000 depending on the position i'm pretty sure she can be qualified they even accepted a college undergraduates how much more a graduate already. Its just a red sign for me why she wants a helper job instead of something that suits her career, if she just graduated itll be so much better for her to get a job in her field and gain experience maybe that will help her work abroad you never know but i still couldnt get why would she want a helper job afterall shes a graduate? she can get at least 8,000 pesos for an office job and help her siblings plus she can gain experience if she'll need it.
  7. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    i dont agree with what you just said, call centers are still hiring for undergraduates and graduates to work for them and they get paid at least 8,000 pesos... what sort of work for a college graduate do you think gets better wage than a helper? a maccas worker gets about 6,000 pesos a month which is a double wage for a helper. alot of college levels here resorted to working in call centers because they get better pay and some just decided to work in their field especially the nurses which is about 8,000 pesos a month for a new registered nurse just to gain experience to work abroad still not a bad money compared to 1500-3000 pesos.

    point is, parents wouldnt strive hard to send their children to school just so they can end up working as a helper.hows that ever make sense?
  8. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Call center jobs require proficient English skills, something that is sorely lacking in college grads here. Most of those that can somewhat speak it, understand it not at all.

  9. MalmoMan

    MalmoMan Guest Guest User

    +0 / 0
    I fully agree!
    In addition lets talk about the real value "income" to work as a Domestic Helper. Salary per month P2500. Rent per month P5000. Electricity P 1000. Food 3000. Cloth washing (waterbill) P100. etc etc. Total is P11.500 TAX FREE per month. The new D.H. law also says that the employer must pay for Philhealth, SSS, and a 13 month paycheck and one day off per week, so try to put some value to that to. All together it is a pretty good value "income" per month for a 19 year old fresh graduate. So I say......GO FOR IT..... working as a Domestic Helper is something to be very proud of plus you get a lot of real life and people experience, compared to other graduates, and many of those are snobs and feel that a job as a D.H. is below there status level. Young lady go for it, and remember you have a long life ahead of you. GOOD LUCK!
  10. nice_sherwood

    nice_sherwood DI Senior Member

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    They offer 6 months training to enhance their English but even if your on training you still get paid.