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BoI Info Philippine immigration law revision mulled

Discussion in 'Passports and Visas' started by Knowdafish, May 20, 2013.

  1. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    Philippine immigration law revision mulled

    The article doesn't spell out many details, but (hopefully!)what they are considering is a step in the right direction!

    Manila, Philippines --- House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. said a revision of the seven-decade old Philippine Immigration Act of 1940 or Commonwealth Act No. 613 is now timely and crucial for national security and economic development considerations.

    "The 70-year-old statute has gone through several piecemeal amendments and revisions but is still inadequate in meeting the pressing demands of the changing times," Belmonte said.

    He noted that a revision should be "one of the priorities that the incoming Congress should consider."
    Belmonte and Deputy Speaker Jesus Crispin Remulla are principal authors of House Bill 1454, which intends to make the almost vintage statute attuned to the complex realities, faced by the country today.

    "We have to create a more effective immigration enforcement agency and, in the process, strike a balance between protecting the people from undesirable aliens while providing channels to benefit the country in terms of tourism and investment opportunities," the Speaker said.

    He noted that a thrust of the Aquino administration, as laid down during President Benigno C. Aquino III's inaugural speech, is "to make our country attractive to investors by cutting red tape dramatically and making the government an enabler, and not a hindrance to business as this is the means by which we can create more jobs for our people."
    His measure, co-authored by Remulla, seeks to convert the Bureau of Immigration into a Commission with expanded jurisdiction and streamlined powers and functions to eliminate red tape and enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the bureaucracy, Belmonte said.

    Likewise, the bill is designed to strengthen the function of the Commission as gatekeeper and a primary economic agent taking into account the duty to safeguard the country's national borders while fostering investments.
    "This is geared towards making the country more attractive to foreign tourists and investors, which, in turn, will help stimulate economic development and job generation," the Speaker said.

    He added, "We need to introduce major changes to the old systems and procedures of immigration in the Philippines and make them more responsive to current concerns."

    Key features of his bill include the creation of more visa categories and privileges for foreign investors, providing a more friendly business environment conducive to attracting and increasing foreign investments into the country.
    There is also the expansion of the classification of disqualified aliens and the imposition of penalties for aliens involved in syndicated criminal activities to enhance national security and ensure the safety of Filipinos.
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    And which hole is this politician speaking out of? Changes will come I'm sure, but I suspect that it will just be price hikes on visas and a more restrictive tourist visas so they can line their pockets even more than they already do. The Philippines has no effin clue as how to draw in tourists. First and foremost is to clean the d*mn place up, enforce littering and smoke test laws first. Finding a clean beach is almost d*mn near impossible. Invest in this country? I'd rather wipe my @ss with 1k pesos bills and flush them down the toilet than trust the Philippine government/economy/people with it. Treat foreigners fairly and you'll end up getting a sh*t load more tourists. Too many horror stories from former tourists in this country. This place is hopeless in terms of tourism......and I prefer it that way, keeps the people poor and the cost of living down.
  3. Manzanita

    Manzanita DI Forum Patron

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    Had high hopes for the Philippines when I moved here 14 years ago....

    Roads were being paved, telecoms were going up...

    So now, it seems, everyone sits around texting...

    And throws their garbage on the broken concrete...

    Philippines = soup sandwich.
  4. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    Come on Guys, don't be so mean, I am sure there is a lot of good intention and maybe we will live to see it happen...
  5. flxibl2006

    flxibl2006 DI Member

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    Hmmm, that sounds familiar. Something about a road going to somewhere warm being paved with such material as this.
  6. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Be real nice if they actually tackled this in the right way. But I have zero faith anything real will get done besides charging foriegners more be them tourists or expats.

    First problem though is clean up the trash, and yes this includes certain groups of people. A country surrounded with beaches and d*mn hard finding a decent one as the locals all use it as a trash bin and toilet. Trash and broken stuff everywhere along with many burning their trash. Vehicles with massive smog and roads to narrow because of everyone parked or street vendors blocking up areas. Beggars everywhere, see a nice area you think and theirs some beggar sh*tting right there. Beggars and just dirty. Clean up all of that.

    Next make the Philippines more attractive to foreigners by allowing foreigners to own land enough for a house. Allow foreigners to own a small business. Make business licenses cheaper or least add a new small business license that don't take a stack of papers and a huge sum of money.

    But of course all that matters to them is the money at the top. Screw bringing the country up as it will strengthen the middle class and raise up the poor even including raising wages. This means the rich don't get so much power and control.
  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Truth! Couldn't have said it better myself.