short - but need to msg me for details -GF Fought another girl and created major scene/damage at a restaurant i will not name..Now back in the States leaving me to take care of her duaghter with aother living in a house with her family,. Been Police station 2 times, negros oriental hospital 1 time, , holy child hospital 1 time, might have another child on the way from another girl, offered job as PNP but low pay by commander, all within few months = need some assistance guys. plz PM me
You, a foreigner, was offered a job with the PNP? If I remember some of your previous posts this girl you have is a handful. Sounds like she is going to get you in some major trouble. And a job with the PNP? Really mate? You are buying into that? Sounds like you are being set up for something. Tread lightly. I think I understand why her X was such a dick to her.
You know what, forget all that stuff. Here is all the advice YOU need. Leave the kid with the family, cut ALL contact with this girl and family and never return to the Philippines. You are on the road to get seriously screwed up here.
I did not understand the full context of the original post, but I think Wrye83 got it nailed. Time to get out of Dodge...
Keep your passport, ATM and Ccards safe.. 2 mystery's on the go. Not to LOL. ( And Greg with his need for a Lawyer)( 300K ) Hope all works out well.. Take care..
i was offered PNP because im ex-military and ex-police and they looked up my record at station - dont ask me how - said need english speaker to translate for special ops... visas and sh*t all taken care of lol..but pay is ridiculous talking 500 pesos a dsy
I this is the same guy I'm thinking of he won't take any advice from anyone. He'd rather believe this girl, who is obviously a bucket full of trouble, than a foreigner who has spent years here offering some common sense advice. He also likes to leave out information to make his situation look better than it really is.....although this time around even with what little information given it is very clear this is nothing but a setup. Offered a job as a PNP officer by the "commander"......really!? How gullible does a guy have to be to buy that story? The true story is likely the girls uncle or cousin, who is a private in the PNP, trying to get him back into country so they can do god knows what to him. The only thing this guy has done right was go back to the to just stay there and jump ship on the girl. I would venture to guess that the girl's family was brought to the US by her X, once residency was established she claimed abuse on an old man to try to score a younger trade in.
That's a load of sh*t. Why in the world would the PNP need someone who speaks English? English is a national language here and it is not hard to find a local with decent English skills. And being exmilitary means absolutely sh*t here. Over 50 percent of the retirees here are ex military or ex police. And explain how would the PNP have access to your military and police records. They can't even pull up a registration of a local vehicle electronically. Keep this story for the bars where you might find someone drunk enough to believe it.
i agree with Wrye83, you must take a flight now out of this country. And, if you like to come back, do it after a year but not on the same island/state and, definitely not on the same girl.