Most foreigners are not ignorant of the law. They might claim it later but everyone knows when a girl looks suspiciously young for her claimed age. Forget the ID, if they look too young they likely are, leave it alone if you think you need to see the ID. And let's not talk about that "Asians look younger" stuff, we all know what features to look for and we can guess the age within 2-3 years for the large majority of women.
well then the girl will be held accountable for lying for her age then the guy can get away with it just as long as you get a photo in your phone with girl's id or better keep it until her service is over. this is what my uncle said when I asked him how can a foreigner protects himself from minors selling themselves for sex. he always get the excuse from foreigners that its hard to tell a minor Asians to an older one (18-24) because they nearly look just about the same LOL.
Well, I hope you never find out the truth the hard way, that being the girl having fake ID will not save you from persecution. You will be tried and convicted by the same media that have these guys already guilty (which chances are at least one of them is). There was just such a case in Cebu a few years ago. The "she showed me fake ID" claim got no more consideration than a snicker and a laugh. Larry
really? are you talking about VALID IDS. eg license and passport? college school id but that can still be questionable. if they look too young then JUST DONT DO IT. no questions LOL
ALL IDs here can be faked. Some of these fakes are very good. We have seen numerous fake passports and drivers licenses that even authorities cannot tell they are fakes without verification from the issuing agencies. We have seen fake NSO birth certificates that the local NSO office cannot verify as fraudulent. (with an NSO BC, you can get any other type of ID you want) These can be bought in numerous places throughout the Philippines, most every town they can be had. They can also be ordered online through a number of "agents" who have stalls set up on Pedro Gil Ave in Manila, AKA Recto University. (Google "recto University) Right across the street from these stalls blatantly displaying fake drivers license, passports, and birth certificates for sale is a police station. Internet scammers are now often using them to collect money from foreigners and not having to use their real name. There was a case a few years ago in Cebu where a foreigner was set up by DSWD using a minor with fake ID. Same outcome, the foreigner had to buy his way out. Claiming she showed you fake ID and even having proof of it does not protect one here from extortion. There is NO clause in the law exempting one from prosecution based on false misrepresentation. It is buyer beware. Pointman Cebu - Do you have questions or concerns about your Filipina being a scammer? Larry
if that happens, the Filipina can be held accountable for issuing fake ids then for a foreigner to get even he can always sue her but if he put this on his defense, there can be a possibility the court will believe him. (depends on how genuine his reasons are)
I doubt that the courts will take the foreigners side on an issue like this....unless the judge mysteriously found a butt load of duckets in his pocket.
well if you guys think there is no way out of these sort of crimes then chances might be there is NONE! so why do it?!