Hello, Am wishing to know more of judicial law enforcement processes here. Can anyone speak to the matter of police in Dumaguete and Siquijor? 1) What is the level of training? 2) What is the level of commitment to law? 3) To what degree are police officials and officers subject to outside influence such as United States interests? Can such responses be extrajudicial, such as monitoring of computer and email activity, bugs placed inside domicile, street surveillance? 4) Is there proper surveillance of police by civilian authority? 5) Do citizens have recourse to proper and responsive judicial procedure if there is unwarranted police activity? Many thanks, and sorry, feel a bit nervous about this so no signature until I better understand what is and is not acceptable to discuss here?
It might help a bit, if you explain, what is the purpose of these questions? Are you writing a master thesis on the subject, or are you trying to hide from US law? The following are not particular qualified answers but my purely personal opinions and speculations based on 9 years experience with Dumaguete: 1) Compared to what? Dumaguete is a small city, and the Philippines is a poor country. So obviously the police here is not as well trained - or well equipped - as that in New York or London. Or even Manila. What do you expect? That is not to say, that they are bad. But for very logical and obvious reason it can not be an elite force. Who would pay for that? 2) I have had absolutly no experience with corrupt police in Dumaguete, and I have also not heard of it. From my personal experience police officers in Dumaguete are friendly and honest men and women. 3) No idea and its probably classified information as well. Obviously intelligence services in friendly countryes cooperate with each other, and that goes for US and Philippines as well. 4+ 5) Probably not. But again what do you expect? This is a developing country, and there are much more fundamental problems, that need to be solved first, before anybody have ressources to even think about things like these.
I have met corrupt police/LTO officers. There is always someone here you can pay to fix a problem. The bigger the problem the bigger the bribe needs to be. That's the simple truth about the Philippines. So if you plan on coming here to do illegal activities you better come with deep pockets.
are you loOking for a job as a police officer???????? Or you just want to know if you have 100% protection and the law on your side in all situations....... Try it out like all we other did, and you will soon know. For sure i can share with you that it pays of for you if you are honest and live by the law in all situations. Good luck!
The LTO and the police are different government agencies, and they don`t have anything to do with each other. I have also heard, that the easy way to get a drivers license in Dumaguete is to pay someone at the LTO, so you don`t need to wait 6 weeks for your "student permit" to be completed. But that has nothing to do with the police. While corruption certainly excist in the Philippines, I think statements like this one are to undifferentiated and might lead people into trouble, if they believe them blindly. Think you can just brake the law here and pay your way out of everything? Well good luck with that. Like torilian I prefer to keep my path clean, and thats what I will advise everybody else to do as well. And by the way trying to pay someone of is a serious crime in itself. So it can lead you into big trouble, if the person, you try to pay of, is not interested.