Hi 4 days ago i got globe 3mb comes with a phone that you can make free calls to globe n txmate plus local calls to any land line , its very fast so far it was 1599 a month cheers my mother could spell but i took after dad
Rented 2 times in Duma. Both times from foreigners married to philippinas. Both tried to fool me but failed. Now renting from a nice philippino couple. No cmoplains BY NOW. We'll see.
This sad scenario been described here many-many times, mate: 1) tried not to refund the security deposit 2) tried to delay it saying usually it takes 2 weeks for they would be sure that nothing was damaged and they won't get any shoking bills (WAT?) 3) tried to add some extra charge when you're moving out: for cleaning, fixing, painting or whatever else they can imagine)))and i must say they do have good imagination))) If you're a newbie here i advice to make a better research at least on this forum to avoid possible scam. Because IMHO it's much more important to get some negative feedbacks rather than positive ones. Positive is positive- OHMYGODITWASSOSOSOGOOD-nothing to talk about)))But negative...better to stay aware I think.