Looking for a live in helper to do basic house work and feed animals. No kids to take care of. First month is 1500. 2k if work is satisfactory on second month. 13 month pay. Will pay for PhilHealth and SSS if desired but will come out of the 2k salary. One day off per week. Yearly raises at 500 per year. Advances only paid for work completed. Food, cable and Internet provided, cell phone load responsibility of helper. Private bedroom and CR. Swimming pool available to helper after work is finished. References are preferred but not required. Ability to work with minimal supervision is a requirement. Employer (foreigner) will be at work for next year or so. Girlfriend is the boss when the boss is gone and always has final say with all decisions. This must be understood.
There is this Filipina who gets house helpers for expats. I used her and could not be happier. they will not leave unless they are replaced and she knows the girls and their families. I think you might have to pay 2000 as opposed to 1500 but for her service she charges you nothing for 2 months and after that there is a one time charge of 500 pesos. If you are interested her name is Janice and her number is 639173930273
I don't know about this Janice I contacted this woman and she could not give any basic information on the helper she supposedly had for me. She would not quote the fee she would be asking. Does not bode well, imo.
Here you have to pay a 13th month salary, equal to the total years salaries divided by 12. To be paid out in December. A kind of mandatory bonus every employer is obliged to pay. DOLE - Bureau Of Working Conditions - Oficial Website
This a left over, from Spanish Colonial days, ( it is still Practiced in Spain but twice a year [ June & Dec} it was meant to be collected by the Wife of the Worker. It was brought in, to ensure, that the husband Did not spend all the fiesta time money, on booze and Betting. I guess here, the Spanish actually got a little something right and left a somewhat, good legacy concerning, the ladies and the children, ensuring that they had enough money for food and things at Xmas and Ferrier (Fiesta) times.