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Bamboo telegraph racially biased?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by shadow, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Last year, on a trip to town we passed a large funeral procession. In the front was a foreigner. I made the comment to the wife it must be someone important in Valencia due to the large number of people. I had no idea who the deceased was and thought little about it. I found out about 2 weeks later, it turned out the deceased was a good friend of mine, who lived less than three blocks from me. He was one of few foreigners who had lived in this area longer than me, and was roughly my age. One afternoon his daughter found him non responsive on the couch. I was surprised that this could have happened so close to home and me not know about it.

    Last night I was informed that another good friend and long standing and respected member of this forum had a serious stroke a couple of weeks ago.

    Why is it that when my wife's friend's cousins baby gets a cold on the other side of the island, the wife knows about it within minutes, but when a good friend who is a foreigner has a major issue, it somehow gets relegated to the country's best kept secret? We are the few here, why can we not keep each other informed of catastrophic events within our group? Maybe we could learn something from the Filipinos in this regard? Is the bamboo telegraph prejudiced as well?

    Just ranting.

  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :( Larry, I know exactly what you mean, When I had my Stroke in 2012 it seemed that only my Wife and daughter were concerned, Even when I arrived here fresh from Hospital in the UK, No one was bothered, not even a, How are you.
    I had more good luck messages from here on the forum! But when My nephew was admitted to hospital, yep you guessed it, can we borrow ( give)

    When I collapsed in my Garden last May, No one Noticed, yet when a Very large Banana tree fell over next door, oh they scrambled the entire neighborhood to assist.

    I buy a new TV and the whole area knows in minuets.

    Maybe we should have section, for reporting any Major issues like this,

  3. Larry_H

    Larry_H DI Member

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    I have found this to be true in most places expats live. There are cliques, just like back home. But in a country that the generally accepted language is not English, it seems to be more true. But, I think maybe it is our own fault. Friends keep in touch with each other. They don't need a reason to contact each other. In our expat world, we may have friends that we consider to be good friends, but also may not be part of the clique we hang around with. Also, unlike our world back in the western world, we have the choice of whether we want to live in a more private world. Expats have the ability to just disappear into the woodwork if they want to. Many do simply because they left the western world because so many people can't keep their nose out of other people's business.

    I read on this forum that the police were taking a poll of foreigners in the Duma area. While I don't think its a good idea that the police do it, I do think that it's a good idea for each of us to have a contact list of all the foreigners we know ( or perhaps we don't know). Looking out for each other is a good idea. sticking your nose where it isn't wanted isn't a good idea, but I doubt that anyone would object if their phone rang and the person on the other end simply said. "Hi, this is Larry. haven't seen you out and about for awhile. Just wanted to check to make sure you're OK."
  4. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Tell a Filipiino the news

    Hey Larry, I heard you were ranting this morning, so maybe somethings do get around. Of course I heard it from the Pinoy!

    Seriously, news, information, and gossip can travel fast here when there is nothing else to do. Most foreigners I know are pretty busy so sometimes that may be the case. Most Pinoy are busy killing time, so there is more time available for News, Information, and GOSSIP. transfers.

    Remember the News, information, and gossip that travels on the Bamboo telegraph sometimes is not relayed perfectly. As one of the members here says: "Don't believe have the lies you hear about me."

    As I have said before if I fart walking out of Casa Blanca, by the time I get to Why Not the rumor is that I sh*t in my pants walking out of Casa Blanca. Most of the time that is untrue. O-|

    I do agree that information within the Ex-pat community could be a little better transferred. Between the self adoration conversations at McD's in the morning, some news is transferred between ex-pats here. You just have to separate the Bullshit from the more reliable Turkey turds there. I visit a couple times a week for the sorting process.
    I guess the next best way is to tap into the Bamboo Telegraph. I know in my little community of Bacong, the Bamboo Telegraph is pretty fast, with no racial barrier (they will lie about me as much as any Filipino... hahaha) but what it has in speed it lacks in reliability of information. However it may be a good way to tape into the information and gossip system here

    Have a good afternoon... tell you wife what is happening (she is Filipina) and the world will know. Then us Ex-pats can sit back, have a beer and work on our daily task of gaining weight.
  5. longtymerinPhil

    longtymerinPhil DI Junior Member

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    the simple few word answer is that your not connected.

    My live in was very good on keeping tabs on everything here. Filipinos in the provinces are like dogs smelling for food or bitches in heat.
    They seem almost to derive sexual satisfaction out of knowing everyone else's business. Not all but many of them. They are very quick to
    ask my last name, where am i going, what am I doing, where is my wife (any woman you walk with is automatically your wife to them), where exactly do I live, etc. But if you ask them these things they are hesitant to tell you.
    Foreigners, on the other hand, especially if they lived in cities can go years without even talking to their next door neighbor-it's everyman for himself in many expat cities.
  6. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    To those that know John Marshal he stacked his bike last night and is in silliman medical center.
    Get well soon big john

  7. longtymerinPhil

    longtymerinPhil DI Junior Member

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    yes, get well soon john, whoever you are, and STOP riding murdercycles.
  8. Charlie

    Charlie DI Senior Member Restricted Account Veteran Coast Guard

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    Hi Larry. All I can say is that some people are more private than others. Again, no right or wrong, just a personal choice for as many reasons as there are stars in the sky.
    When I croak as of today I would guess that that maybe 3 foreigners here might be informed. And possibly none would not until long after I am ashes. The same with being ill as with a stroke. Personally I am pretty much a very private person. Just my choices for now.
    I personally wouldn't take anything too personal. Everyone has different reasons for what they do or don't do. Just my opinion.
    Have a fantastic day,
  9. Broadside

    Broadside DI Forum Patron

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    With regard to the member who had a stroke, I must confess to being somewhat involved there. I went to see him on the day he was admitted, and daily after that. Initially, it had affected one side and consequently his balance and mobility, had blurred his vision and caused discomfort to swallow. On day one, the hospital provided a meal of rice and dry chicken (I know, I know), so, along with one or two others, we made sure that proper meals were provided, from an outside source, and that he had a good supply of soft, easy to swallow fruit and plenty of liquids. While the effects of the stroke were very debilitating for him, he was very compos mentis and fully aware of what had happened. I asked if he wanted me to contact anyone, but his family outside of the Philippines had already been informed. I then asked him if he wanted me to let others know via this Forum. The answer was a very emphatic no. He was understandably very self conscious of going from super fit to relatively helpless in the blink of an eye, and did not want too many people to see him in that state, such is his nature. He will let the information drift into the public domain in his own good time, as and when the recovery takes effect, the long term prognosis of which is good.

    So, in this particular case, there was no deliberate intention on my part to keep everything under wraps and maintain a veil of secrecy. What was important was to acknowledge and comply with the expressed wishes of the individual concerned.
  10. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    From the expat wire. Ian from drill Shack suddenly passed away yesterday. I didn't know him but it's sad. I took in the wife and son of a very close Ex Marine friend that died Sept 2nd. Even if my budget is low that's ok by me.: