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BoI Info BI orders foreigners to report v2014

Discussion in 'Passports and Visas' started by daanlungsod, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. make a wish

    make a wish DI New Member

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    Bethel hotel Dumaguete had a meeting room where they processed passports in July 2011 I think that it was on the 2nd floor?
  2. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Gosh, I wasn't aware my character was in question. I tend to be blunt at times, so if you don't like the honest truth you are on the wrong forum.

    There is nothing shady or illegal about BI coming to Dumaguete to renew I-cards and file the annual report. It is called the ARROW program. This was done before in 2004 or 2005. Follow the link that Redneck supplied.

    " p.s. Larry, I never said to supply a "computer'. I suggested a card reader. I then asked whether anyone knew if anything else would be required."

    And I told you what would be required, a computer, an internet connection, and a techie with proper clearances to plum them into the BI network. Then there is training of the staff to run them..., might be a while before that technology hits Dumaguete. A "card reader" is not going to make it work.

    It has been established that you do not want to attend, fine, leave it at that.

  3. simple mind

    simple mind DI Forum Patron

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    For the location to meet, I would think that it should be at a place that does not charge a premium for the provided space.
    As for paying bribes, the Americans are calling it "Fundrising", and don't see anything bad about it, I call it a "Convenience Fee" because it's convenient for me to have it done locally...
  4. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Has anyone got any ideas about a location we can use? I need some feedback from you guys!
    This morn I have been to mc do and enquired about upstairs and not heard back yet, I have also been to bethel which is full, Maria Louisa suites wanted 4k for four hrs which I am not prepared to pay out of my own pocket!
  5. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I have some ideas I will check out this morning.

  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Chow King, Opposite Lee Plaza, have 2 rooms Upstairs, Both Doored of from the Eating Area, Might be worth a try!
  7. Black Abbot

    Black Abbot DI Member

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    It is on a private website somewhere on the internet, so it must be true...

    ... and here is what the BOI says to ARROW:

    Good day! The article you furnished us was from the year 2012. The Immigration has new guidelines regarding the filing of the Annual Report under the directive of our new Commissioner, Siegfred B. Mison. Thank you and God bless!

    It does not say it is illegal, or shady, however, it says that there are changes and ARROW is not existing.

    But what does the immigration and the new commissioner know, if a redneck posts an old link, we should trust that.

    Before making any deals with anybody, I would suggest to those who are now that excited, to move that plan to mid february and clarify this issue.

    I believe it is a topic where a bit more care than "I know somebody, who comes and we pay xxx" and some outdated links are is needed.

    The general idea is great, but there is more than a month to go to have it sorted in a proper, (by the BOI verified) way.
  8. DumagueteJohn

    DumagueteJohn DI Member

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    Thank you Larry. I did not establish that I did not want to attend. I only voiced what was to me a normal and healthy skepticism, I don't want to see myself or anyone else in hot water further down the line. But you say its all perfectly legal, I know that you have more experience in these things than I do, so its all good. I also know what you mean about the computer, internet connection, approved techie, etc, you're right, its not an immediate fix, but if fixed, a permanent fix. Maybe the workers at B of I Dumaguete would appreciate it too, they must be frustrated to have to put up with all the disappointment from the expats over this.
  9. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Your opinion is duly noted and appreciated, people can make up their own mind if they want to attend or not. Now, back to the issue at hand, a venue.
  10. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    As I stated, this was done here years ago, and there are people on this forum who availed of it and had no issues. This is done by real BI officers with I assume the directors knowledge. You being in Angeles with access to BI at your fingertips, why would you want to attend anyway? This does not even effect you. You've stated your opinion and it is appreciated, now let everyone who this does effect decide for themself.

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