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Do you love to grow vegetables and to share your knowledge?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by DumagueteJohn, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. kelpguy

    kelpguy DI Senior Member

    Trophy Points:
    +678 / 92
    a garden center? here? in duma? ummmm.... that would be nice but...

    there's nurseries here and there, on and off during the year but not much in the line of vegetables, mostly common landscape plants.

    citi hardware has the most gardening tools, pots, some watering cans, backpack sprayers
    and a small seed rack.

    matio has gardening tools, backpack sprayers

    rejoice hwd and do-it-center have gardening tools, watering cans

    robinsons market usually has a seed rack

    nijosa has gardening tools, best seed selection in town, shade cloth, visqueen, chemicals both organic and conventional, a backpack sprayer. nijosa will special order if their supplier has it.

    green farms has EM and fish emulsion in liters and a bio-organic fertilizer and vermicast in bulk.

    all of the above subject to in/out of stock.

    maybe someone else can add to this list.

    when are YOU gonna open the biggest and best garden center in town?

    norm : ))~
  2. Knowdafish

    Knowdafish DI Forum Luminary

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    +15 / 2
    I am a member of a Facebook group that specializes in agriculture here in the Philippines. It is run by a Texan that owned a Nursery in the U.S. for 20 years or so. It is a great group and everyone is willing to share their knowledge from raising bees to growing whatever, making compost, etc. I would post the link here, but think it is wiser if those that are interested PM me.
  3. garbonzo

    garbonzo DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    I don't think so Norm….I'm kinda thinking retirement means retirement….and my wife is not very keen on Dumaguete…much as I like it. I appear to be sentenced to Bacolod….or maybe we'll just stay in Oz….It does look like a niche there (and Bacolod) that anyone with some experience and botanic skills could put a super store together easily. Our relative in Bacolod assembled a fiasco and couldn't name half the plants, fish, etc….that he had…but still sold enough to pay for his daily Tanduay….His wife was making the real money….He's gone recently…as in planted in the cemetery - no surprise….She's now still running her own business - and I think the plant nursery has been shut down but not sure. Don't want to ask….might get drafted LOL….
  4. OP

    DumagueteJohn DI Member

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    As it turns out, I did make it to Dumaguete, but did not end up (yet) at a place with enough space to start a garden. I'm very close to the ocean though, and very happy about that.
    If any here grow enough to have surplus to sell, I invite you to PM me. Interested in buying vegetables and fruits.
  5. Union Jack

    Union Jack DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +13 / 1
    Many thanks for your kind offer, my vacation is now over and i have returned to cold UK.
    Over the three weeks of my stay i successfully planted melon, butternut squash and beef tomato. To my amazement the melon and squash germinated after only three days and just before leaving we started separating and replanting. While doing so one could notice the sweet melon fragrance emanating from the young leaves, amazing. Only pain were the lady beetles eating the leaves but we hope to put a stop to it by putting up some mosquito nets greenhouse type of structure...I'll post some pics of the plants as soon as i got enough time at hand.