Hi everyone. DI was very helpful for 1 lady cat who needed adoption and now lives happily with one of the forum's members. As our cat delivered 5 more kittens I hope to have same miracle happen again. 5 kittens available, 4 seem to be male, 1 girl 2 red colour with nice spots, short tails, eyes opened 3 solid black colour, 2 have short tails By now they are about 3 weeks old. Stay by mom in a huge box, she is breast feeding and taking care of them very well. All are blind although eyes opened already. All look healthy and pretty fat e-he-he as their mom was feeded well and also is very healthy. Not homy though, we only take care of her whenever she lets us do so. This cat family is located in our house in Valencia. Feel free to pm me if you feel like having a look at them considering an oportunity of adoption but without any comitment =) As far as I know kittens can be taken from mom in the age of 2 months but we'd like them to be adopted by the and of April because we're about to move out. Nobody here to take care of them that's why we're looking for new homes for poor creatures. Pls help to spread the word using social media or whatever, would appreciate that a lot. And please welcome: Sherlock, Watson, Moriarty, Blackwood and Irene! Have a look at lovely animals via files attached to this post. Hope to hear from you soon Regards Mary
I adopted the one lady kitten (now called Pinya) that Denis and Mary had last October. She had been abandoned by her mum, so had to be bottle fed until she was old enough to eat soft food and lap liquid. Cows milk is not good for any cat, and kittens will have difficulty in digesting it, so I fed my lady on goats milk which is readily available around Dumaguete. She has also been vaccinated against rabies and feline enteritis, spayed, and recovered very quickly within 5 days with no after effects whatsoever. Now, at almost 6 months old, she has grown into a beautiful creature with a multi coloured coat and is very much a cuddle cat. These kittens though are in a much better position and getting a much better start in life by being fed by the mother. Although their eyes are open, their vision is blurred and they rely on sound and smell. Their eyesight will improve very quickly between now and about 8 weeks of age. If the kittens take to soft food and have learnt how to lap, they can leave the mother at 6 or 7 weeks, as the mother will start to push them away when they try to feed from her. It doesn't matter if the mother is not homey and a bit feisty, because if the kittens are given the right start with the right humans they will become people friendly. In fairness, at about 5 or 6 months the girl will need to be spayed and the boys de-nutted !!! It's an inexpensive and relatively simple procedure, although the thought of it would bring tears to a glass eye !!! Incidentally, looking at the picture of the mother, she has many of the markings of a Bengal, probably acquired through generations of breeding. Bengals are exceptionally expensive - my son has 3 pure bred Bengals and paid 550 pounds (US$880/ 40,000 peso) per kitten. They can be trained to do many things, even use the cr, and if these kittens have also acquired the gene from their mother then they will turn into terrific pets. Let's hope that through the forum these creatures can find a loving safe home. My sons 3 Bengals....... View attachment 10235 .....can use the cr !!!! View attachment 10236
Roger, thank you for your comment and you're absolutely right, as allways. Their grandma looks exactly like Bengal obviousely mixed with some local Philippino buguy))) In spite of the fact their mom is not homy she's very0very friendly with humans and has nice, kind personality. Now almost skinny and so tired taking care of such an army of kids. We provide her extra food and fresh water and she's always there to look after her kittens. The red kitten named Watson is already reserved by nice gentlemen from Germany and will be adopted by the end of April. 4 more healthy, good- loking kittens are still available for adoption. And if i got them right they'd be happy to have a new expat owner =) Just PM me Mary
Maybe there are too many people here that already have a few more cats than they want. I love my Persians cats Imp and Uggy, but the Filipino cats are like beggers and can smell food. I have had many "adapt" my house. Now like you have have four small kittens looking for homes.
Hi Mary, I'm out of the country, but my wife is interested in taking on a kitten. We live in Bong Bong, just up the road from Valencia. If you'd like to PM me your gsm I'll get her to ring you and meet. Cheers, Mike
I'd be happy!!!! Sending you my number at once! But pls tell her to contact me ASAP cos we' re leaving tomorrow morning. We' re located very close, in Bong ao, valencia