Actually there is a difference. See: What is the difference...
AN EXOTIC PARROT [IMG] I was in a pet shop when I noticed a Muslim girl with the most amazingly coloured parrot perched on her shoulder. "Where...
Thanks Dave, good to know info. Do you know if food grade or not? I suspect not at that price.
Yep, that's them alright one was MacArthur's houseboy and the other was Eisenhower's pool boy.
Yeah and they couldn't figure out who was supposed to lead...
The vets office across the street from SSS in Bagacay on the road under construction had some tablets you give your dogs (one per dog per month...
Sounds like 32nd street!
Thanks. Wasn't aware of the limitations. But to be honest anything would be an improvement from what we have now IMHO. Especially for mobile.
I agree. I used to have open Jungle as my backyard when I lived in Subic. Used to go for walks it was beautiful and peaceful (being careful of...
I guess it's on an individual basis as to your heat tolerance. I have lived in the PI a long time and since coming to Duma back in June of last...
Yes but they still own the valuable 700 Mhz bandwidth license and don't want to sell/share it and are not using it to the disappointment of all in...
They had some at Cangs a week and a half ago approx. Pricey as I remember so I didn't buy them. Near where they have the bins of rice.
They have them in WhyNot Deli (a/k/a Chicco's - the one on the right as you go in main entrance) I ate lunch there today and noticed them. They...
Unfortunately most of the deforestation here is done illegally by apparently well connected people (you almost never hear of anyone being caught...
I don't know myself but have you tried asking the pharmacist at the "Generics Pharmacy" there is one across from Lee plaza and another one on...
Friends tell me it is good Rum ( can't drink it myself) but the prices here in Duma are silly expensive can buy in Cebu much less expensive at...
Smartest thing they could have ever done in this situation. Had they stayed the course they would be licking their wounds for years to come. One...
True but you may be hanging out with the wrong people if that's what you hear. There are many very happily married and dating couples who have an...
Me too. I did that in High School in 70's. Had to time share to a mainframe to assemble and run the program. Technology sure has come a long, long...
Yes, mostly Indian and other Asians who immigrated here illegally and were granted immunity back in the 1980's if memory serves. But their status...