extra... if ever someone has an extra old monitor, or somewhat like that.. you know a pc monitor that is not use anymore... anyway they could...
hello gentle poeple of dumaguete.. Know someone who can lend me or donate a PC monitor? I badly need one. My PC monitor got broken. I really...
how much is a square meter of land in valencia? does anyone have an idea? thanks a lot.
things are not always what they seem... In India the products such as a packet of shampoo, toothpaste, soap and detergents are target towards...
serene it is.... :D atleast its not specified "somewhere in sibulan"
Ill just tell a story that my teacher told me... I hope i remember it right.. Are we missing our life? A young tourist hire a local boy from...
i would like to know too... yeah me too, Id like to know what month is the best to watch dolphins?
welcome... welcome to the forum... hope you enjoy your stay in Dumaguete, Ill also make my first diving there,... cant wait to go there at the...
if I can choose to live my life there will be no if's to say.. I'd like to tackle a few topics mention by the thread starter (TS) :D...
if I can choose to live my life there be no if's to say.. I'd like to tackle a few topics mention by the thread starter TS :D Philippine...
a bus flip.. saw it in the news too,.. hope everyone is ok there..
lights camera action.... I love films!! alumni home coming!... got to get the perfect shot!:cool:
I just want to share this Peace Journalism Seminar This was PECOJON seminar spreading peace journalism through the world... 1st Picture: the...
yup this place has its share of beauty too :D , I had never been to Iligan hehe.. anyway I know what you mean though :D anyway Ill be going to...
where I came from.. I grew up in Zamboanga City, Asian's Latin City some may call it or City of Flowers..., and went to school in Ateneo De...
its been a day or two but no one reply to your thread when will you plan to go to Dumaguete? I don't know much of Dumaguete right now but...
Is winter that bad? Hope you enjoy your visit in Dumaguete.... I never experience snow.., In relation to snow all I can think of is...
Thanks.. , nice to hear there are also aspiring film makers there!:D about me being a E bass player, I think I'm Kinda rusted, its been years...
thanks... Thanks..., I'm expecting to meet you all there.., I'm also interested in meeting different kinds of people from different country..:D
Politeness and Respect.. I had a Religious Study teacher... He always stress on the issue of being polite and respectful... and made us...