What about the PhilHealth permanent membership after age 60, for those who have been members for ten-plus years? How does that work?
There are several places to get a lunch time Vietnamese roll-sandwich, call a Banh-mi. A proper banh-mi has slices of fresh vegetables and...
Ultimate could be understood to mean, last choice. Any legitimate tourist has a plan, with a ticket, when and how to depart. Enforcing this is not...
Rainy season reptile From the plastic love seat on my porch I can see through the gate to a patch of dirt road running past. To the left, out of...
Family and cars: it's not only a filipino thing. In my late 20's I left Vancouver, B.C. with a lady to travel and live abroad for a year or so. I...
Cars imported used from Japan have had the steering changed from right-hand to left-hand.
Yes, the problem may be those videos are not permitted to play in this part of the world.
My doctor recommends, with urgency, that I get an angiogram, with angioplasty likely to follow. Does anyone have experience. or reliable reports...
I made the purchase on that visit to DGTech, a 19-inch display for p4k. It's nice and portable; I move it most afternoons from my desk in the airy...
The technician at DGTech (office at the rear) seemed quite competent. The solution was as suggested; they have a good selection of monitors to...
The proposed new law does not have specific numbers, 3 months, etc. as I look through it. The law provides an administrative framework. And as...
Re. van at Dgte a/p. There's a company there at the a/p, contact Lito. 0927-753-2489. I used it several years ago, and today exchanged messages,...
I have patronized this very nice store on Perdices, downtown, to purchase peripherals. I would not think of it for repair of a laptop-workstation....
Discussing the matter further with filipinos, it seems the concern is who will be in power, and how 'he' may behave. The current president will be...
The rumor in Phs is that there will be a covid-19 election spike, presumably from election site crowding. I suppose this morphs into planned...
Ich spreche kein Deutsch
My dentist, generally well-regarded, explained it this way: There is a crown-fabricator in Dumaguete, and a really nice person, but the results...
Where's the denial of 'individual rights and freedoms' ? There is no legal requirement to get vaccinated in the Phs. Nor in the USA etc. No...
The food was adulterated? What do you mean? Like Italian olive oil adulterated with cheaper oils?
There's an anti-noise ordinance after 10 p.m. for residential areas that predates pandemic. Some people abide by it.