this^ . I hope you didnt mean this guy he isnt realy into online marketing...
Hey how many posts do i need to send - receive pms as right now I cant access the pm feature
so where do i find square? :D
working out nicely - i managed to get loyal and hard working employees and looking to hire more other then that I wish I had more sleep lol
kick-@ss - Definition of kick-@ss at
you guys were probably there this morning..
Its more of an expression then anything else : ) I used to outsource work to the Philippines hence I came here to establish a physical business...
uhm.. did I miss something? :D
Hi yes I am still here and that might be regrettably anyway but yea im here! heeh What do you do? and wht about others here I want to meet...
Hi, I am looking for an office space It has to be ready to move in - no broken stuff or windows etc decent look and place It has to...
I am Roger I came here almost 9 months ago to set up a business have had some set backs and some success - I guess we all learn : ) Stay...