another option for brown-out days is to use the battery in an e-vehicle; i have a 60volt e-trike that runs the my typical house electric demands...
i was in du ex sam in daro a few weeks ago and they had honda generators in the shelves.
oppsss... d'hermit is at the valencia sunday market. look for smoke near the bottom of the big stairs in front of the cathedral.
try D Hermits in bacong.
for the grillers; charcoal briquettes made from wood are available at Roy Roy's eatery/Negros Egg Supply in the Sibulan Public Market.. that's...
Liptong Woodland: The little forest that could save trees...
i'd like to hear how smoking local Filipino beef goes tender-wise. here's a video some of you grillers, especially Americans, will find...
jezzz pat, that's a bummer! consider gorging on meat for a couple of months and see if that doesn't make u feel better. no cutting, no side...
can anyone recommend a lechon manok shop that has chicken that TASTES like chicken?
pictures please...
i just happened to have a stock of alcohol on hand (wink) and found that it repeals mossies but only for a half hour or so...
the Noreco website hasn't been accessible for sometime now, how do members find out about an upcoming all day brn-out? tnx folks...
yes, yolly does house calls. i've ''lost'' her again but here's her numbers. 0999 514 3137 she's also on facebook as pc doc or...
tnx, hawk... i got an email from yolly today.
looking for yolly/pc doc. has anyone seen or heard from yolly lately? i've been trying to reach her via email, txt and calls for more than a...
what about sugar cane waste? i read in the past that growing sugar actually richens the soil but i'm not sure why. a quick i'net search brings up...
Old Lady And Air Bag [MEDIA]
shawn... i haven't been there in several years but did you check with Alex at GreenFarm Systems? he used to sell vermipost and african night...
are you thinking about updating the jab? watch these two videos. John Campbell with Professor David Anderson
does anyone know where i can purchase a GOMO unl data, 30 day, sim card in duma or the surrounding area? tnx guys