sleeping for 5 miles I'll take 12' Pipeline any day over this longboard wet dream. LOL
Thanks for the clarification. But then that seems odd that they (SM) haven't done anything with it to generate revenue.
What Demographics??? Seems odd as the land around Robinson has not been utilized much at all so hardly makes sense that SM would have greater...
I have the following Repair Technician Tools. NEW!. Tools for servicing the most popular Regulators, First Stages and Hoses. All from Peter Built...
Davao Rocks Davao is not just great it is awesome. Best run city in the country. Has almost everyting you could ask for as a foreigner. Many...
Davao has strict anti-smoking laws and is a wonderfully functioning city due to its excellent mayor and Vice Mayor.. Daumaguete has no laws about...
That's very true (it is the best steak) and funny at the same time as I did once have a steak there almost a year ago. Turns out my food was not...
Why Not and Moon
Why Not "WHY NOT" I have been eating in Why Not for over 5 years and I can say having eaten in every other place in this town that this...
Welcome to the Philippines Food Quandry What you have described Veronica could apply to many of the restaurants in Dumaguete. As an example,...
Wrong Country for Vegan Sorry Veronica but the Philippines is perhaps the worst country in the World for Vegans. That list seems to be growing...
There is without question many episodes of Racism against foreigners in Dumaguete. We are easy targets combined with other elements that cause...
I also have a problem with these religious schools. I am an atheist and detest religion in general. I would love for my daughter to go to a school...
I can afford to stay or leave. I leave annually for a month or two to keep my sanity as this place can get to you but I choose to stay permanently...
I actually went to Robinsons management and asked about tenants and they said they had invited many of the more popular brand stores to come but...
I hope they don't or no one will have electricity in Dumaguete anymore. Also Robinson has been such a huge failure in their total inability to...