:D So far you are right, but I have faith, and you know faith can move mountains.;)
Hey Tom, I am not out of the game:D, I just have been doing other things. But it is kind of you to remember me and my work.
My wife and I have had good luck and not so good luck with hiring a stay in housekeeper. But this is what we are urgently :eek:seeking: Two,...
One Thread sounds like a good plan Great idea Rhoody. Please do.
Macro is very colorful, with the right light and timing, you can get outstanding pictures and these are outstanding.
Great job Rhoody. Looks like we missed each other, but we did not miss the outstanding parade.
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 6 Congratulation to NORSU for an outstanding parade. The pride of the students, teachers and staff was on display...
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 5 More pictures:D
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 4 More pictures:D
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 3 More pictures:D
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 2 More pictures
NORSU Parade 12/3/2010 Part 1 Today I had the pleasure of watching the beautiful people of NORSU put on an absolutely entertaining and colorful...
Looking for a full time stay in housekeeper for my home. Location: Upper Cantil-e Starting Salary: 2,000 per month Day off: Every Sunday...
If you ever get another pair of those turkeys please let me know. I am a city boy also, but I do miss a good turkey every now and then. You can...
I was in Valencia yesterday and I saw this nice looking home for rent or sale, here is the phone number that was posted. The house is located...
No monkey, no cage, not much of anything else. :)
I like to update everyone on the outcome of this case, but currently we have not been to trail, and there is no outcome. The shooter is now...
You did an excellent job with these pictures Rhoody. Rechel and Daisy must be giving you soon tips on how to compose.:D
Pictures from inside of Robinson's Place I like to thank all those responsible for bringing Robinson's Place here, and for putting on a...
Pictures from inside of Robinson's Place These last sets are signs of store to open soon.:rolleyes: