Lmao I think we can all tell the Rhoody has a lot of experience dating the fair Filipina! 1. Filipina girls are renowned for their beauty....
Just important that you love yourself and do not find self worth through someone else. Your life will not end when someone leaves you. It just...
The Internet is not a great place to seek the kind of help is sounds like you need. I suggest you reach out to family as soon as possible or...
Trust the advice you read on these boards. Many of us have already been down those roads and have tilted at the windmills you now are spying. The...
This is so troubling... I am even bigger than the Rev; where are they going to shoot me to put me down? Don't think I could be as...
And this? What about this?
A few more... Just a few more pics...
Bad food in Angeles City? Hmmm... Well, one of the reasons we moved back to the dusty little town was the food. While certainly the weather...
Some more pics from some recent dives... I will really miss the SCUBA here!
Well, we fianlly did a couple dives with our dive buddy Rhoody. Been calling him that for months and months now, we figured it was actually...
Thanks! Just got back from some island hopping. Was a good trip, but now back in Dumaguete and back to work! Hope everyone is doing well......
Hey all, I realize as being a co-sponsor/runner of Dumaguete Info I haven't kept up with posting as much as I should be, but The Dane does...
I just love the sunrises over here. When I lived elsewhere I usually only saw the sun rise after a late night party session, but out here in...
Same Fish Swimming Away After he scared the crap out of me, here is the same stargazer swimming away...
You Can't See Me Either! This guy came up from under me when I was taking a picture of a moray eel lying flat on the ocean floor. Scared the...
Clowning Around ...and you left early! It didn't get much prettier after you left. Many beers went down. Last thing I remember is two drunk...
This whole "Company Policy" thing really annoys me. You hear it at the weirdest times and in the weirdest places. Speaking of Robinsons......
Here is a fish that looked like it was half sting ray and half puffer fish. Saw this guy at about 11 meters down. The tail fin when fully extended...
Very shallow right in front of the house at about 3 to 4 meters we saw this strange looking creature. A nice little shrip was crawling over it...
Taking a lot of dives right off the front of our house. These shrimp like creatures were seen crawling all over an anemone at about 16 meters or so.