I'm enjoying this thread and wish I had something worthwhile to add. But maybe I'm lucky I don't. I do like hearing as many of the horror stories...
Obviously Wrye83 has some sort of affinity for MSG and will battle with me on this subject until the cows come home. My purpose here is not to...
To Wrye83. You asked me what proportions are considered massive. The answer is: if it is the first or second ingredient listed on the package,...
I've read all the scientific studies on how MSG is not bad for you. And maybe they are correct. MSG is not bad for you. But it still makes my...
Please, let's not get into a big argument as to whether or not MSG is good or bad for you. That is a very personal issue and everybody has a right...
I have arrhythmia, a heart condition that goes out of control whenever I eat MSG. Unfortunately, every restaurant in Dumaguete uses MSG. Does...