I'm glad you got in touch with them. They do amazing work and are always looking for foster carers for abandoned dogs until they can get them...
Contact these people who will be able to help: https://www.dumagueteanimalsanctuary.com/
Also, look up Kevin the Butcher. He's an Aussie who has great familiar meat cuts.
They used to have NZ legs of lamb at JLH Butchers for about AUD$14
We were living there until the Australian Gov. decided to class us as residents of the Philippines and thus no longer eligible for the age pension...
Not retiring here although there are quite a number of British retirees here in Goa which is vastly different from the crowded messes in the big...
Don't feel bad folks! I am presently in Goa, India and have been for a couple of months. It is monsson season and the one thing you can count on...
I don't know why they are called brown outs. They are black outs and they always happen more often in the rainy season. We used to have brown outs...
Don't worry, you will eventually forget about the food in SF, if only out of necessity!
Stop being a grumpy b@st@rd Dave_Houndd river. We are not all perfect.
It probably has been deleted because it had a photo of the deceased.
Should that not be Br'er rabbit as per Disney? (Short for brother)
If the amount is less than 100,000 pesos you can go through the small claims system where neither side is allowed to have legal representation. We...
Be Be careful and take a look at this site WATCH: How to Use a Turbo Broiler These things scare me!
Much the same as men are susceptible to stupidly fast and expensive vehicles and accessories, audio systems, power tools etc. There are now also...
0947 968 7239 or email lizz546@msn.com
Lorraine submitted a new Showcase Item: 2016 Suzuki Jimny 2016 Suzuki Jimny, All-round excellent as-new condition. Automatic. Regular dealer...
When a woman delivers a baby it is usually called a birth, unless it is the size of the small ship.
There is an organisation which rescues cats and dogs. CARE based in Sibulan. They may have kittens. Their number is 0955 910 1181