You say it's complete nonsense, so that means it's complete nonsense? Ain't that the kind of thinking that got is into all the other wars?
All wars are planned and set up just the way they want it to happen. Believe that fact or don't.
It's law now in Australia. If anyone orders anything over $1000, it involves an Australian gov tax.
Yep that's cos it was translated from Greek. It's all Greek to me
Yeah especially in the morning when you start farting, they will think the terrorists are firing machine guns.LOL
Does anyone else find it annoying, when people here use the term "fishes" for the plural form of fish?
When I read it,"hot logs" I thought it meant that someone sh*t in the ambulance, but then again I'm Australian and in oz that would have been a...
Yeah well, ya had to be there LOL
Man, the wife and I decided to live for 8 mths in Forest Lake (near Ipswich) and we could not believe how cheap everything was there, (except...
Yeah, about the only thing here thats more expensive than sydney is 2nd hand cars. You can buy many good cheap cars in Sydney, but here its still...
Vix around the nostrils is good. I'm lucky I just put it on my moustache.It doesn't burn cos it don't touch your skin.
Usually to get you off the anti histamines, a doctor will prescribe a course of steroids.
Was that sydney? Cos mine was way more than that in sydney.
Sorry mate but I don't feel like singing kumbaiah with you
Generally speaking, the kiwis are very hard working ( white ones) and very pedantic about the way things are done, compared to the more "laidback"...
You have got to be joking, surely. You said "if they do not treat their customers well they will lose their job" Are you living In the same city...
Yeah thanks. I do know his real name also, but I just was hoping that he may still be in the Duma area.
I certainly do! It's in my opinion a really pertainant subject, since all I ever hear here is guys(us guys), complaining about gasoline prices,...
Just wondering, I used to know baltoed a few years ago, and I was hoping I could meet up with him again. Does anyone know if he is still on...