For SRRV, having been here for greater than 6 months they wanted NBI report. We went to NBI in Manila; SRRV consultant helped us and we made it...
Got it! USA medical care for veterans. As a non US Veteran, I thank them for their great service to our country. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So sorry but can anyone tell me what the term “FMP” means? Does it refer to Phil health? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In a brownout, you still have power but it is below the utility tolerance level for voltage. It might mean a sustained condition of 170v. Sri...
Without seeing the bill, it is not possible to know the impact of this change. At worst, it could mean that no tourist could stay longer than 30...
And you can always leave. Don’t let the swinging doors hit you on the way out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome to the crap thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would think an expert on Hitler such as yourself would be far more qualified than I to do that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
d*mn, it started in America this year and it became very fashionable to call people you disagree with “Hitler”. Now it has spread to the...
The problem is that you appear to be placing non-human life on an equivalent plane or above to human life. Some people in an effort to equalize...
The cat is probably torturing them in the full knowledge that dogs can’t climb trees. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is great that your dogs are performing rat control measures given that the area is so lacking in Chinese restaurants that would naturally...
The surface of the moon is rough and laden with craters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I believe you are thinking about a different Andy’s not right on the beach. Last time we went there it was closed permanently. Sent from my...
Well, if they did invade, maybe we could find some good Chinese take-out and get fast and reliable internet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The article states “Under current rules, the VUA is good for 30 days but may be extended for up to 6 months”. Under current rules. I thought...
PDEA issued an advisory in 2015 prohibiting the use of “hempseed oil and their derivatives”. It says “ although the benefits outweigh the risks,...
We have our son pick up the medication at his local pharmacy in the US. We don’t ship US controlled substances; for one thing the rules are...
It doesn’t sound right. As written, sounds kinda fishy to me. Interesting he said no bribe lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great tip! I have one; if you like ricotta cheese which you cannot find here, (as for lasagna etc.), get 2qts local whole milk (hypermart), heat...