I agree with you about the website, can suck at times, especially with internet speeds in this country. However, I don't mind wandering the...
Have done in the distant past, unsure what the security situation is like now. Was a good road, couple of army/ police check points. Have copies...
Probably, but you'll never get your bike back in, no matter how much correct paperwork you have. That's why the many plans of mc tours/trips to...
Word on the canine grapevine says the owner of Gabie's Bistro, breeds Jack Russells, good stock apparently. I would expect them not to come too...
You may want to try: - https://m.facebook.com/jrtcp/
Think they're bad, try Dachshunds, we have seven. Garden looks like something out of a first world war battlefield.
Lazada. Many choices, get extra rubber bits tho, they perish quickly here in heat & humidity. I keep mine in bottom of fridge!
As with most things here, as you must well know, they are not updated regularly. Try Provincial Government sites like Negor,gov.ph, DOH etc....
[IMG] FYI All foreigners and individuals coming from mainland China and/or Hong Kong and enter the Negros Oriental have to go on a 14-day...
Apparently from the local chiz-mis grapevine: - Manhattan Suites next to Robinsons Mall, has had all it's staff isolated/quarantined. The Sea...
You should know by now, our locals penchant for chiz-miz, fake news & panic spreading nowadays. There's no news like bad news I think!
Try Cangs dept store, north road, they usually have a selection of models. Also spare parts like seals & gaskets etc.
Anyone on their travels through vegetable markets in Metro Doomsville, seen small, white onions for sale? I guess I could also use pearl onions...
Tambobo bay, near Siaton. Nigel, ozzie, has a boat building shed there. Also runs a beach resort there. He can help you.
Mikesimportedenglishgoods https://mikesimportedbritishgoods.com/