It's been a terrible month for stargazing. There's a beautiful apparition in the morning sky now. Venus and Jupiter are guarding the Scorpion. Every now and then the clouds open up and give me a chance to image it. I'm also including the only images I was able to capture of the Moon and Sun.
Thank you! You can tell I am not a "professional" photographer because I do not blemish my images with a narcissistic logo. I am an Astronomer, Musician and budding Alcoholic. I just like taking snapshots of neat stuff.
Awesome pictures! I have seen recently lot of posted pictures of amazing aurora light displays. Seems the aurora in recent days has been putting on an incredible show. But ... I am also a solar watcher and the past month has been an extremely quiet solar phase, no flares no sunspots. So, with the sun being so quiet recently ... do you have any thoughts about why we are seeing all of this aurora activity recently? Maybe related to pole shift?