The president of the Philippine College of Physicians calls out the government numbers on hospital occupancy as wrong, and classifies the current pressures on the health care systems in the country as unacceptable.
It's bad enough that variants are spreading. But the fact that the people in charge seem to be confused about the current state of the hospitals is very disturbing. The positivity rate at 30% could be due to many reasons. I think people avoid testing unless they are very sick. Nobody wants to end up in a quarantine facility.
The one Filipino I know that had symptoms called in, isolated, had a short stint in an isolation facility, recovered, and was back home. Can't attest for that being the standard though. I think they got surprised by the last wave, but contained it. This time I think they are on it here. Densely occupied areas like NRC, etc., I don't see how you could contain it. We had positivity of ~30% last time and they did well.
Not really an assessment. Very anecdotal. "The people I talked to said this." Ok so what are the actual numbers? I don't care what random Dr. Joe said was happening at a some random point in time while working at some random hospital. Please provide real evidence showing how the published numbers are wrong.
Here is an interesting story about a doctor who caught covid four times. It shows the power of the vaccine. The first three times the doctor had severe enough symptoms to be admitted into a hospital. The fourth time after having received the first dose of the vaccine the infection was asymptomatic. It shows the importance of getting vaccinated to reduce the severity of the covid symptoms. I bet it ends up that everyone needs boosters.
Well, you're shooting the messenger, but anyway, the reported occupancy numbers are wrong because they don't count people in the ER or people waiting for the ER, like these poor souls Full article here: The article says DOH isn't denying that patients in ER and parking lots are not counted.
Why are suspected and mild cases even in the ER if isolation beds aren't full? Are they not isolating suspected covid patients? If these covid specific areas of the hospital are not full there is no reason to have suspected covid patients in the ER in close contact with highly vulnerable people. Asymptomatic and mild cases should be sent home to self-quarantine or sent to a government quarantine facility. There is no reason to go to the ER for the sniffles and body aches.
Well, we do get these numbers above 100% in some medical centers. I've seen pictures of cars (not here) lined up at the back of hospitals with hoses from oxygen tanks going into the cars. So how it's being managed isn't clear.
This story has flaws in it and I note it is a Filipino-based 'miraculous' story (that is all I will say on that!). How can the vaccine be attributed as the definite cause of lower symptoms in the 4th infection when the patient already had three natural infections? There is a possible (most probable) case to say the three natural infections enhanced immunity. I cannot see how this proves anything at all about the result of having the vaccination. I am not even sure if the final asymptomatic infection could be attributed to natural infection or vaccination as I don't know what they tested for. It seems weird the body did not respond to natural infections (plural) but miraculously to a single dose of vaccine??? And has anyone read articles about other people having so many Covid infections? One case is not statistically very significant anyway but the article does send a 'message' to the people to get vaccinated - if only it had credibility! More than one person has had vaccination and died - that is more statistically significant (but even then NOT a reason to avoid vaccination). Miraculous - when is Christmas?