What is wrong with these people , so much of this going on , and I am disgraced to say that the aussies are increasingly making the news with this stuff , 68 years old , makes you not want to wonder what the mongrel has been up to for the last 40 years , and this galah lives in the same city as me. Victorian jailed for webcam child abuse
I made a experiment a while ago, I used several different search engines, Google, Dogpile, DuckDuckgo, Yahoo, etc. I searched for "free porno jepg pictures", (a slow connection did not allow for video)the best fitering was DuckDuckgo, Yahoo next, then Dogpile, that's with out changing settings, the most unfiltered results were with Google... I followed up the searches to 5 pages, in most search engines the relevance of the results deteriorates after 2-3 pages but with Google the porno content stayed and brought up child porno pages, to be sure, well hidden but if one bothered to read the entries, one got the hints easily... Google is evil, here, I said it for all to see...