I read with Sadness this morning, that the UK, have had to send additional, Royal Navy ships to Southern Spain. this is to strengthen the squadron Based in GIBRALTAR. The reason given, was continued incursions into UK territorial waters by Spanish Naval Vessels. WTF, is going on in our World today. We may be a small, little Island Race but never, put our backs to the wall. The Argies Learned a lesson, So will Spain. NOUGH said JP
It's time for a re-run with a modern day Sir Francis Drake, who in 1587 "singed the King of Spains beard" in the port of Cadiz.
If you want to avoid the real crisis, cause a diversion......JB I refer of course to the fact that 1 in 4 young people in Spain cant find employment. Government workers not been paid for weeks/months in some area's.
How right you are John, seems the Spanish are, as always, Very good at Hiding the Truth. JP BTW [JB] (a little note) I owe you a couple of PM's I will sort them out later (Sorry Larry to digress here but while I had JB on Line, I needed to add a confession :o )
Would the US put up with this sort of thing ( I doubt it) Just what , is the UK Thinking about here.:( Gibraltar: UK to protest actions of Spanish warship - Telegraph Time they took, a few more lessons, from our Cousins across the Pond :D " Get in Sort it and move on " There is a statement in the piece that I am sure, will surprise and astound Broadside immensely JP
I can't see any of Western Europe going to war with each other anytime soon. Just doesn't make sense.