Stores at the mall don't have any, and don't seem to know what they are. All the programs I want to watch come on after I am asleep...
Here's the only thing I could find online about anything like "TiVo" -- it's called "iRecord," and it's apparently offered with Sky Cable: SKYCABLE DIGIBOX iRECORD FEATURES, REVIEW AND PROMO UPDATES ~ ISP101 P399/month for the service, along with a refundable deposit of P4,999 (ugh!). Don't know how dated this material is, though...
Scratch that -- I just sent a direct text to our Sky cable tech, and it is not available here in Dumaguete yet... [sigh]
I'm not sure, but I think you can get a thingy-ma-jig that hooks up to your computer (a tv tuner card?) that should come with software and allows you to plug your cable into your computer and I think you can program it to record at certain, I am not at all sure and maybe someone here knows more about all of this than I do (that shouldn't be too hard!)
Try googling, this Hauppauge WinTV-DCR-2650 use for windows 7. or try... Hauppauge Home Theater Sort and Filter Charts | PCWorld
I haven't found anything on local tv I would care to record. I bought a Vulkano(similar to a slingbox) I am just waiting for a family member to hook it up. Its like watching cable as if You were in Your home country. It also records.
Could you not connect it to a DVR unit and let it record all morning while you are asleep? It would not be able to program at certain times as it may not be compatible with their network. But at least then you have everything and can fast forward the ad breaks, etc. Don't know if they are available in Duma but they are around 160AUD here in Australia. Just a suggestion....