Any one here make Creamy Mashed Cauliflower? I had it once at a friends house, in the US. I think it is a "southern dish". It was great. I thought it was mashed potatoes at first. Anyone here in the Philippines have any experience trying to make this dish? What are your recommendations.
Believe it or not, it's a great substitute for mashed potatos. My Mother used to make this when cauliflower came into season and was close to the same price as potatos. She topped the mashed cauliflower with sharp cheddar cheese (grated) and us kids liked it and ate it - knowing full well it was cauliflower - something we didn't like to eat in it's regular form. Go figure... Her way was like the video above, but Mother topped it off with sharp cheddar. Looked good and tasted good! nwlivewire ps... Mom boiled the cauli as this was before microwaves. But a micro would work just as well - and faster.
Hi Dave & Imp As cooking is my hobby this is one dish that is so easy and is great to eat 1.. Take a whole cauliflower and cut it so you just have the flowerets left about 3 cm in size discard all the hard stems 2.. Put the flowerets in a saucepan of cold water and bring to the boil once the water starts to boil take the pan of the stove and empty the water out 3..Place the flowerets on a baking dish and cover with grated cheese and cracked pepper 4.. Put the baking dish in the oven till the cheese is golden brown ( The cheese will hold the heat in so the flowerets will cook just right ) Serve with a roast is the best, it goes well with roast chicken This is one of my favourite winter dishes Good luck
Thanks for all the help and advice on the mashed/creamy cauliflower dish. I put together something which was composite of all the advice and recipes (the videos were great to watch). I used Cream Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, fresh garlic, red onion (substitute for brown onion because I did not have any) , sour cream, Magnolia buttery stuff, pepper, broadleaf chives, and Cauliflower. I boiled the Cauliflower for about 10 minutes, then let it steam in pot for a couple of minutes, put it all in the blender (no food processor available) and worked it into a creamy substance. I sprinkled broadleaf chives and ground pepper on top. I was very good, but would play with the mix a little as it had a very strong taste with all the cheese and garlic, a little more cauliflower may have helped. Since we were having fried chicken, I also used it as a dip for the chicken which was excellent. It would probably work for dip for chips too. Peter nwlivewire Crystalhead @
Hey Peter , eating is my hobby we could make a great team. on a serious side your recipe was straight forward n easy to follow , it would be great if you could do one each week , thanks