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Dengue (from a friend in Dumaguete)

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by expatron, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    Sep 21

    On 09-15at 15:06 Holy Child Hospital confirmed that I have Dengue. All their rooms were unavailable so we went to Silliman Medical Center for treatment. Following their advice I drank over 4 Liters of “Gatorade” every 24 hours until 09-16 about 21:00. Seeing no improvement in my blood Platelet Count I researched the internet for other treatments. This and a conversation with a local lady convinced me that I should try the Papaya treatment.
    The local lady told me that Dengue had been prevelant in the Philippines for centuries, and until the modern Medicos started treatment very few people died from it. For generations all the people knew that if you picked the young top leaves of a Papaya plant, washed and deveined them then pound the pulp to a liquid and drank about an ounce of this 2 or 3 times a day the Dengue would go away in a day or two.
    After watching my Blood Platelet Count steadily go down, for 3 days it was time to start self medicating. I followed the above treatment for about 36 hours and went back to have my platelet count taken. Everyone was amazed at my “miraculous” recovery and wanted to know how it came about. The nurses only smiled at each other when I told them, as they obviously already knew of this treatment. I was very confidentially told by another health care worker that they knew of this but were instructed not to mention this or any other local treatments for not only Dengue but several other maladies. It seems that the money hospitals make from lab tests and room charges outweigh the benefits to educating the local populations of inexpensive and effective treatments.
    [TABLE="class: yiv0046311155, border: 1, cellpadding: 0, cellspacing: 0"]
    [TD="width: 263"] Date & Time of Draw
    [TD="width: 189"] Platelet Count
    [TD="width: 189"]
    Normal Blood Platelet Count is 150- 400​
    [TD="width: 263"] 09-16 00:36
    [TD="width: 189"]
    [TD="width: 263"] 09-16 06:58
    [TD="width: 189"]
    [TD="width: 263"] 09-16 13:28
    [TD="width: 189"]
    [TD="width: 263"] 09-19 17:14
    [TD="width: 189"]

    All conventional knowledge says that there is no known cure for Dengue, so the hospitals refusal to inform people of this alternative treatment can’t be to sell patent medicine. So, what else could their actions be based on but their own greed? This is not only th Philippine situation but seems to be the practice around the world.

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  2. quicktrip

    quicktrip DI New Member

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    There are thousands of home cures that people swear by, but not recognized by medical institutions. If hospital staff started handing out recipes for home remedies, I doubt they would have a job there anymore. Some home remedies probably work, but others may cause harm, and let a small medical problem turn into a big one, by not seeking professional advice.
  3. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Yeah lets all get Professional Advice, That's payable, To be Told OH! there is No cure when here we see that there is. So we should pay to Die now, Hmmmmmmmm I don't think So.

    Again it's all about Money, not about life!
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  4. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I used to live in South Forbes Park Makati where all the streets are named after trees and have such trees on the street. I lived on Banaba street and in front of my house were Banaba trees. Filipinos would come and take the leaves from the trees. My helpers told me they make a remedy from it for treating a bad illness, I think it was a stomach problem. Apparently, a quick fix.
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  5. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I had heard about this remedy before and seeing there is no medically known cure for dengue anything is worth a try here, these people have been practising with these cures here for a long time so there must be some truth in them! The hospitals will try anything to get you into them and extort thousands of peso if they can.
    Last year I had some sort of foot infection which at time was very sore, went to a skin specialist on several ocasssions and was told it's an allergy, can't eat chicken and eat this and that, cost a few thousand peso to no avail. A friend came around one day and said go get this cream from uni top for p25 and low and behold after a couple of months it was gone!

    I met a friend last weekend. Who I had not seen for some time and gave me a real horror story about two of the hospitals here on negros, these people should be ashamed of themselves putting the peso before lives :(
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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I had a heat rash on my crotch from the treadmill at the gym causing a fungus for years. Dermatologist gave me expensive fungal cream that did nothing especially during the hot months. When Alex (Neil) put me on to virgin coconut oil) I checked it out on the forum and it said one of the benefits would be a cure for fungus. Sure enough, after 4 weeks the rash was gone. My crotch thanks you Neil.
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  7. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Really makes you wonder how many preventable deaths occur here , from wrong diagnosis and also from lack of money. But back to Ron's post , I think information like that is great , it would actually be interesting to see a list of known local remedies.
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  8. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    It may work, probably did in the case referred to in the opening post, but I am reminded of a friend long ago who said the same thing about eating garlic as a cure for terminal cancer. She was so convinced that it worked and her cancer was gone and the doctors were just keeping this practical advice out of our reach in order to make money . . . but . . . . she eventually died of cancer and her corpse smelled to the extreme of garlic.
  9. Firefly44

    Firefly44 DI Forum Adept

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    Great Expatron, I hope you friend continues to remain healthy.. , I will research That Papaya leaf treatment and enter your post into the Herbal Medicine thread located within the Property development Sub Forums (T W) Horticulture Title. Papaya does have an entry in that thread already .


    Garlic also mentioned within the Herbal Medicine thread. The Garlic smell may not be a problem when you expire, the hope given may have eased the journey ? No offence intended Dave H.

    PatO I will also research The Banaba and post a link in the Herbal thread.( V Coconut Oil is already mentioned).. Take care.
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  10. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I see nothing wrong with having some soup to go along with my medical treatment, which appears to be non-medical treatment for Dengue until your platelets fall to an unacceptable level. I wonder if they have ever tried a hyperbaric chamber? Under pressure even your plasma will carry oxygen.
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