I got plenty of seeds, just be aware that growing these has been a much bigger struggle then cherry tomatoes.
Were the seeds purchased in a packet from a supplier or from someone's home-grown tomatoes? I ask because if the seeds were from a packet and are F1 then the offspring will not breed true to the parent.
This is only my experience, not the only answers. Yes, they are finicky. The biggest problems here are the white worms, (aka fruitworms), which can be taken care of with Neem oil, blossom end rot, which baking soda takes care of, and the number one issue is high night time temperatures during blossom and fruit set which at our temps here, unless you are in the mountain, causes early ripening, (smaller ripened fruit). There are studies from US universities that show the detrimental effects of high night time temps, especially during blossom and fruit set. This quote is from a green house study but there are many that talk about problems with high night time temps effects, especially during blossom and fruit set. https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W017.pdf " Both day and night temperatures influence plant vigor, leaf size, leaf expansion rate and time to fruit development. Under low night-time temperatures, the rate of leaf growth is slow and leaf size is reduced in young plants. Day and night temperatures should be carefully monitored. For greenhouse tomato varieties,day temperatures should be maintained in the ’70sand no lower than 60 to 64 degrees F at night. High temperatures in excess of 85 to 90 degrees F will cause many different types of damage, such as inhibition of growth, fruit abortion and even death." Yes I grew tomatoes in the South in the US where it was very hot, but it was not hot in the spring at night when they were blossoming and setting fruit. In the South they put out tomato plants just after Easter. I have grown Rutgers heirloom here hydroponically, aquaponically, and in soil. To me it was not worth the effort because of the poor yields. Heirloom tomatoes can be grown here but are just not good performers in tropical climates. There is a seed company in Thailand that has developed many large tomatoes that grow well in tropical climates. http://www.green-seeds.com/