Anyone else having connection problems this morning? I can only access the site through a proxy, which usually I can thank Globe for. Larry
So, it's a DNS issue then. I have DNS issues all the time with Globe loading all sorts of sites. Globe and other providers filter out certain sites which the government / church find offensive, so I'm betting that screws up with their DNS. I don't know what you can do about it other than change your DNS server (on your computer) to something different, like the freely available server offered by Google ( I'm using Globe and I'm not having a problem accessing the site. But I have had problems many times in the past.
Could it be the U.S. NSA has tapped into some of your posts, thus slowing down the system. I can neither confirm or deny that I have ever worked for a government agency...
You may want to clear you cache. I use CCleaner which is free. I use HideMyAss (HMA). It is very cheap and easy to use to use. You can browse from a US, Canadian or from many other countries.
Well, if I can't get to my own website without using a proxy, then about 10 million other people using Globe can't get to it either. It does me little good to be able to get to it if my audience can't, no sense having a site at all under those terms. Larry