i'm looking for ground oyster shell/sea shells for a calcium supplement for the hens. a local feed store told me there's a place in the tanjay area that grinds sea shells but i couldn't find anything on the i'net. here's hoping someone out there knows of a ground seashell outlet. thanks all...
I don't know of a place that sells ground sea shells. But when I had chickens I know they liked to eat grass and probably would eat dried Malanguay ( probably misspelled ) My wife picks it for free and sundries it then crushes it in her hands to add to our food. It is high in calcium and much more easily digested and absorbed.
thanks for the suggestions, guys... our birds are free range and regularly graze the young grasses. i eat a fair amount of malunggay but i've never offered it to the chickens and i'll try it. as far as egg shells go, we give them what we have and they pounce on it but around 80% of our eggs are purchased by the neighbors so we lose the shells. i find it interesting that the neighbors buy our eggs cuz ALL of the neighbors have chickens. we also get egg shell from some bakeries but they are often ''out of stock.''
I think from my days of raising chicken in the USA that free range eggs have a richer taste but they need a little grain supplement. I think you will see a big difference in the eggs once you start feeding mulanggay supplement with a standard chick feed. Darker color yokes, thicker whites and richer taste with thick shells. The eggs we get here are very runny whites and the shells are soo thin and weak that when you boil them water get into the egg