I'm currently on my ISPs satellite backup system because the main line to Kabul has been cut. It is very slow gowing and pages just won't load as they should. However, I have found that Youtube loads video just fine....and when a Youtube video is loading other webpages load significantly better as well. As soon as the video stops loading so does my ability to load pages from the rest of the internet. I think it has something to do with latency but I'm really not sure. Still find it strange that doing something that usually brings my ability to load webpages to a grinding hault (watching Youtube) is actually making the internet faster.
Far beyond me this technology stuff and I thought I had a few problems to solve over the Weekend It just Took 1 hour to download and install Picasa JP
My hypothesis is that i am having problems establishing a connection with the internet and Youtube is forcing a steady connection while downloading the video. It only seems to have problems with certain protocols as VOIP and many of my Android apps seem to work without any problem. Either way, I have found the longest YouTube video ever uploaded to the website (48 hours long!). It's a pretty annoying video, have to mute that crap. There is no way that guy talks for 48 hours straight! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk