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Locked threads?

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by brian ausie, Jul 19, 2012.

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  1. brian ausie

    brian ausie DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +32 / 2
    Why is it every time there is a controversial thread the page is locked??? And I have heard that some users can’t log on anymore, Even if they use a totally different ID , Maybe sum1 is tracking IP addresses???
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0
    I give you a quick example:

    Let's say a member had the wish to be deleted, or needed to be banned for whatever reason and comes back with a new ID, he acts against ToU and is not welcome. His/her thread will be locked, if it does not have any valuable content deleted. Some might even believe they are smart cookies, with multiple accounts, but they are certainly on the watch-list and rather one step outside, than on board.

    Some threads get deleted because of legal issues.

    another example:

    As globe and sky use shared IP's and dumaguete has BPO companies who do nothing else than spamming (no they are not all callcenter) as well as private persons working online sending out thousands of automated spam an hour, it might happen that one has the same IP and it the IP might be generally blacklisted by server software when comming from this region.

    another example:

    if people constantly advertise their business, they are out. we have many business owner participating without the "I heard about xyz, the best abc" giving valuable info.

    Btw a lot explained in the announcement of the general chat. Each member agrees to the rules when signing up here, without that agreement, he/she can't sign up !

    DI is a private website and it is not a given right to be member on the forum-section of it and nobody is forced to be here, well I am forced by the owners, though.

    See it like a private property (what it as a matter of fact is, just online). If one comes to your house but does not behave, he might get kicked out by you and is not welcome. It is your house, you make the rule. You might not like all visitors but will welcome them.

    If some of your visitors are constantly annoying you would certainly take care of that in the future, wouldn't you ?

    The owners of DI additional offers full refund of the membership fee for members who decide not to be here anymore !
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