I have finally had my first accident here and first motorcycle accident ever. In Kalibo returning from Manila. A little girl ran in front of me without looking, my choices were oncoming Ceres bus, parked Jeepney on the right or the girl straight ahead. I can't claim I made a conscious decision but go straight and brake hard is what happened. I didn't even have time to honk the horn, I remember hitting brakes, clutch and hitting the rev limiter on my bike. I was terrified the girl was dead, I hit her maybe at 50kph almost dead center with a bike that weighs 600 lbs with my fat @ss on it. I hit her just left of center and she hit my handlebars taking me into a nasty tank slapper and hit the road maybe 15 meters after contact with her. I believe I immediately got up and caught my breath from having the wind knocked out of me, checked for gushing blood and bones sticking out and then started looking for the girl. Looked all over and couldn't find her. Someone said a trike took her to hospital. I didn't feel too damaged so I waited for the police, 30 minutes later they show up and I'm regretting my decision not to go to the hospital. My adrenaline kicked off and my shoulder is killing me and the road rash is starting to be felt. The police take my bike to the police station and me to the hospital. On the way leaving the scene someone is carrying a girl in their arms. The trike driver took her to the hospital but she was too scared to go inside without her mother. We stop and wait for the mother. The girl claims to be alright and the mother says no need for hospital. I told the police to take her and I'll pay any and all bills for the girl. The girl is checked out first at the hospital, a bump on the head and a small scratch (no stitches) on her knee. I'm completely shocked she is alive. I get some wounds cleaned out and taken for xray. No broken bones, just a severely bruised shoulder. No bill fromhospital for me or the girl. Only have to pay for medication. Hers was 22 pesos. Mine was 900. I ask why no bill from the hospital. Something about it being a government hospital so they don't charge??? Whatever. I won't ask that twice. Go to police station with father. We write up agreement on what will happen. I agree to be responsible for the girls medical bills (so far 22 pesos), she is under observation for 24 hours. Left my bike with keys at police station to show father good faith I'm not going anywhere. They asked for no additional money. However, both the girl and myself have a birthday tomorrow so I will give a couple thousand so she can have a good bday. I'm laying up in a hotel in Kalibo waiting for a friend to come and pick me and my bike up tomorrow. Good thing I was wearing boots, pants and a helmet. Regretting not having a proper kevlar shirt, long sleeve would have done nothing as the road just ate through my tshirt on my right shoulder. Maybe the girl will now look both ways before crossing. A scary "learn the hard way" lesson for her. I'm just happy she is ok though. She was very sweet girl.
Wow. Great that she was lucky and ok. Good that you survive with some bruising/grazes also. Same Birthday spooky obviously meant to be ?? Top marks for doing the right thing. Just hope police or others do not come up with a way to sting. Take care.
Blessed and lucky Sounds like everyone was blessed and lucky. I am glad you are both surviving well. I had a similar experience in front of Robinson about 6 months ago with a young college man. True to form the young man was jay walking looking the wrong way and stepped out from in front of a van into my path. The policeman was cool, as I also waited for about 30 minutes for someone to show. The short story is that I gave the young man 1500 peso and he went on his way. The cool part is the no one took my name, so there is no follow up on issues like he died the next day, and half his family died from shock. The "caretaker" for the young man asked for my phone number so they could let me know how the young man was doing, however the cool policeman interjected "no, you give him your number and if he wants to call he can call you." Thus eliminating an future shake downs for more money. I actually felt protected by the police. I have generally found the police cool here to me on most issues and questions I have had. The thought pattern that the foreigner always loses here is not always true, but it seem like sometimes it may be. Sounds like you got some reasonable cool officers too.
That certainly would be scary, and so good that the little girl was not badly injured, otherwise.......... shudder to think. :( This is why I ride so focused and vigilant because anything can and will happen at any time from any direction, and we really have to expect it and be ready for it. Any lapse in concentration will cause a disaster. I have lost count of the many times I could have had a nasty accident if I was not totally vigilant and saw it coming. It is much better when I am in the car though, there is more time and safety to brake quickly and change direction on four wheels than on two. That is just the way it is in Phil, we either get used to it, expect potential disasters to come our way, or stay off the roads. It is no good riding/driving and thinking like we do in our own Western Countries, it just does not work.
Yeah, not much I could have done. I'm always scanning for danger zones, but in this country it is just a matter of time before you miss one. She ran out of a shop on the side of the road sprinting across the road. Looking back on it I would have been much better hitting the gas (I'm on a 1000cc sports bike) than hitting the brakes and getting past her. Coulda woulda shoulda. Just happy she was ok and that I'm not laying in the hospital still......I'm hurting though. Btw: I've been riding a motorcycle in the Philippines going on 7 years. I had this coming a long time ago. I'm just glad I wasn't going any faster than 50. It really is a matter of time for anyone riding here in the Philippines to have an accident. I'm embarrassed to say what I was actually thinking about 15 minutes prior to the accident....but it has to do with riding 7 years in the Philippines accident free. Stupid me. All I can say is wear pants, boots, a helmet, and a long sleeve shirt here. I've been known to ride without before but never, ever, again. This sh*t hurts. I couldn't imagine how it would feel if my legs and feet were covered in road rash as well. There will come a time when you won't have time to react. Maybe it was her live and learn moment, but certainly has been for me as well, happy I only had to learn part of that lesson though.
The police were very cool to me. Many of the filipinos were very kind and concerned for my well being at the accident site and helped pick me up/collect my belongings/pick up my bike (I've seen many worse attitudes in the city of "gentle people" when it comes to accidents. And no one was taking pictures from what I saw). A policewoman at the police station asked me if I wanted to stay at her place for the night, amongst many giggles from the other women in the station (i politely declined even though she was pretty cute). The other daughters of the family were more concerned with my marital status than that of the little girl who was crying. The family seemed poor but we're proud of what they had and had no interest in my money, even when I offered a couple thousand at the hospital for trikes to get them all home, daily wages if worked was missed and any other expenses they might have incurred plus money for her bday party. I think overall everyone was very lucky (the girl, myself and my wallet). Although the motorcycle doctor bill won't be so cheap, but that's just material crap, it can be replaced. I have been very pleasantly surprised by the people in Kalibo. I don't forsee any further issues coming up from the police or the family.
It,s good to hear of a positive outcome cross fingers of course. Public, Police, Hostpital and Kalibo all in a very good light. Thanks for posting and a reminder for others to take care. Swift recovery.
Just gave a kid 10 pesos for "food" and he sprinted across the road to the market almost getting hit by a motorcycle. O-| Think I need to just go to bed before someone gets killed.