I have 2 mango Trees in my front garden, they are of different varieties, the smaller one is on it's second fruiting. The other is Growing well and I think ready to Flower then fruit. Unfortunately, it is now getting top heavy.During some winds it seems to be Struggling to stay Upright. Does anyone know how/when to prune such a tree. Any Advice will be Greatly appreciated. JP
I have often asked the same question when i first came here,, i always thought it had to be a the right time of year , then cut the branches and paint over the ends so the tree didn't bleed,, here it seems it doesn't matter.. Just cut the offending branches off and leave it,, I cut 3 Mahogany trees down that i was thinning out from some other trees i planted,, sawed then into 5 ft posts and stuck them in the ground.. Now they are over 15 ft high and growing well,, kind of a living fence..
Jack, here in the states we prune in the winter when the sap is supposedly withdrawn into the trunk, the dormant period. I don't think there is a real dormant period there. I suppose I would wait a couple months after harvest and before the trees bloom again. Are you going to top the tree so you don't have fruit growing where it is hard to pick?